[News] Gaza is Most Dangerous Place for Women Right Now

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Sun Dec 10 13:44:00 EST 2023

Gaza is Most Dangerous Place for Women Right Now
December 10, 2023
Gaza reels under new massacres carried out by the Israeli army. (Photo: via

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff

*According to ActionAid, Gaza is one of the world’s most dangerous places
to be a woman right now due to the unprecedented levels of violence
experienced by women and girls in the besieged territory.*

The international non-governmental organization ActionAid has said that
women in Gaza are facing unprecedented levels of violence, rendering the
besieged territory one of the world’s most dangerous places for women, the
official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported on Sunday.

“Women and girls in Gaza are experiencing unprecedented levels of violence,
making the besieged territory one of the world’s most dangerous places to
be a woman right now,” ActionAid said in a report this week.

The figures presented by ActionAid paint a picture.

“Two mothers are killed every hour in Gaza and seven women every two
hours,” the report reads, adding:

“Overall, women and children make up almost 70% of the total death toll.”

“Almost every woman and girl will have lost someone – whether it is their
child, their husband, their parent, sibling, relative, neighbor or friend.”

The dire situation extends to pregnant women in Gaza, with approximately
50,000 women expecting.

“Around 50,000 women in Gaza are pregnant and, each day, 180 are risking
their lives to give birth without adequate medical care,” the report says,

“That includes undergoing cesareans and emergency operations without
sterilization, anesthesia or painkillers.”

On Saturday, the spokesperson for the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza
revealed that Israeli snipers positioned around Al-Awda Hospital in
northern Gaza have killed and injured several pregnant Palestinian women on
their way to the hospital to give birth.

Al-Qudra stated that pregnant women in northern Gaza have been prevented
from accessing the maternity service at Al-Awda Hospital, leading to their
death along with their unborn children.

MEDICAL SOURCE (to Al-Jazeera): 45 dead Palestinians arrived at Al-Aqsa
Martyrs Hospital in the central Gaza Strip since yesterday evening due to
the Israeli bombing.

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— The Palestine Chronicle (@PalestineChron) December 10, 2023

The number of Palestinians killed in the Israeli war on Gaza since October
7 has reached 17,700, including over 7,870 children and more than 6,121
women, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza. 48,780 were

*(PC, WAFA)*

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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