[News] For the fifth consecutive day, the Israeli occupation forces continue to impose a blockade and security measures on the town of Aqraba

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Aug 24 11:55:34 EDT 2023

addameer.org <https://www.addameer.org/news/5111>
For the fifth consecutive day, the Israeli occupation forces continue to
impose a blockade and security measures on the town of Aqraba, south of


The Israeli occupation forces continue to impose their strict siege and
conduct extensive raids on the town of Aqraba, south of Nablus, for the
fifth consecutive day. This comes after the Huwwara shooting incident last
week. The Israeli forces close all secondary entrances to the town except
for the main entrance, which witnesses tightened security and thorough
inspections, leading to significant traffic congestion. Checkpoints are
deployed in most areas of the town. In addition to the repeated incursions,
field interrogations, and detentions of young men, houses are being
searched. Since the beginning of the blockade on August 20, 2023, which
coincided with the first day of the new school year, students from Aqraba
who attend the mixed Yanoun Elementary School located in the Yanoun hamlet
northeast of Aqraba have been suffering. The occupation completely blocks
the road leading to the school. Daily coordination takes place between
Aqraba Municipality and the Israeli army to allow students and teachers
from Aqraba to enter the school. However, students and teachers face
harassment due to daily inspections before entering or exiting the only
open access point of Aqraba.

In the early hours of Thursday, August 24, 2023, a large force affiliated
with the Israeli army consisting of more than 30 military vehicles and more
than 100 soldiers raided the town. They initiated a wide-ranging campaign
of home invasions that affected more than 20 houses, conducting searches
and causing destruction. The residents were arbitrarily detained within
these homes. The Israeli occupation forces also detained more than 30 young
men and interrogated them in homes or nearby areas before releasing them
all. Furthermore, among the houses that were raided, one belonging Issa
Bani Fadel was targeted. He and his son Mohammad were arrested, and the
house was marked and measured for demolition at a later time.

The Israeli occupation forces' policy of collectively raiding homes,
conducting searches, and collectively detaining Palestinians is in
violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits collective
punishment. According to the convention: “No protected person may be
punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed, collective
penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are

Addameer Association calls upon the high contracting parties to the Geneva
Conventions to pressure the Israeli state to cease the policy of collective
punishment against Palestinians, to halt punitive collective arrest
campaigns, home invasions, and the intimidation of children and the elderly.
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