[News] Join the global call for one million signatures to #LetCubaLive

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Aug 11 12:32:51 EDT 2023

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Dear friends and comrades,

As you know, the “state sponsor of terrorism” designation is in complete 
contradiction with reality. It is being used by the U.S. government to 
intensify the blockade that it has imposed on Cuba for the last 60+ 
years and further strangle the Cuban economy and people. *With a few 
strokes of the pen, President Joe Biden could remove Cuba from the State 
Sponsors of Terrorism List, but will only do so if there is a resounding 
international demand that Cuba be removed from the list.*

*Join the global call for 1 million signatures for an urgent demand: 
take Cuba #OffTheList of state sponsors of terrorism and end the illegal 
60-year blockade on the island! *





*What is the goal?*

We want to reach more than one million signatures to demand that the 
current US government remove Cuba from the state sponsors of terrorism 
list and for the unconditional elimination of the blockade, which is 
rejected by the entire international community.

Neither the blockade nor any other such measure will succeed in 
defeating the sovereignty and self-determination of the Cuban people. 
Cuba’s strength and humanism are a testimony to the achievements of its 
social project, and Cuba continues to be a point of reference for the 
peoples of the world who fight for peace and justice.

*What movements are leading this campaign? *

The campaign “Let Cuba Live” is organized by the International Peoples’ 
Assembly (IPA), ALBA Movimientos, Foro de São Paulo, the Trade Union 
Confederation of the Americas, Jornada Continental por la Democracia y 
Contra el Neoliberalismo, the World March of Women, the Continental 
Latin American and Caribbean Network in Solidarity with Cuba, and La Vía 
Campesina. It is also open to new popular movements, unions, parties, 
and networks that wish to join this mobilization.

*How will we get there?*

To reach one million signatures, grassroots organizations and activists 
around the world can collect signatures in face-to-face activities, 
integrating into the work already being done by grassroots organizations 
in the regions. The petition should also be widely disseminated on 
social media networks, WhatsApp, email, and any other digital platform. 
*We need everyone's support to make this happen! *To learn more, consult 
the LetCubaLive.info 
campaign website, which contains all the information on the process.

 From its historic support for the National Liberation Movements in 
Africa to its current medical brigades, Cuba is a country that has 
dedicated itself to internationalism, and as such, the people of the 
world have a duty to stand in solidarity with Cuba. #LetCubaLive #OffTheList













*People's Forum, Inc. *

320 W. 37th St., 10018, New York

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