[News] Palestinian Resistance Infiltrates Shin Bet, Mossad, Documentary Reveals

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Aug 4 13:21:02 EDT 2023

Resistance Infiltrates Shin Bet, Mossad, Documentary Reveals
The documentary explains some of the methods used by Israel intelligence
agencies to recruit Palestinian collaborators, among other revelations.
(Image: Video Grab)

Israel’s intelligence agencies are known for infiltrating Palestinian and
Arab resistance groups. A documentary, however, shows that the opposite is
now taking place.

A new documentary, produced by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement
revealed that Palestinian Resistance fighters managed to infiltrate
Israel’s internal security agency Shin Bet and the spy agency Mossad,
Iranian Press TV reported on Thursday.

According to Press TV, the documentary, titled ‘Spider’s Web 2’, “details a
complex espionage operation that was carried out against the Israeli
organizations by al-Quds Brigades,” the armed wing of the Palestinian
Resistance movement of the Islamic Jihad.

The documentary illustrates the espionage enterprise, which involved six
Palestinian fighters and was part of the wider ‘Wahda al-Sahat (Unity of
the Squares) operation, launched by the Islamic Jihad in 2022.

The Palestinian agents reportedly baited a number of Israeli officers into
revealing secret methods and procedures.

According to Press TV,

“One of the Palestinian operatives, referred to as Recruit #106, duped a
Shin Bet officer into believing that he was afraid of being arrested by the
Palestinian resistance fighters, thus luring the Israeli officer into
revealing a treasure trove of information on the regime’s security system,
methods, and tools.”

According to the documentary, the Palestinian move led to the detention of
several agents working for Israel, and the dismantling of at least three
Israeli spying centers.

(*The Palestine Chronicle)*

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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