[News] Israel brutalizes worshippers at al-Aqsa for second night

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Thu Apr 6 10:56:34 EDT 2023

Israel brutalizes worshippers at al-Aqsa for second night
Department of Islamic Awqaf in Jerusalem - April 5, 2023

Palestinian worshippers offer tarawih prayers at the al-Aqsa mosque
compound on 5 April.
APA images

Israeli police stormed Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque and forcibly removed
worshippers from its prayer hall and surrounding yards for the second night
in a row late Wednesday.
On Tuesday, Israeli occupation forces raided al-Aqsa mosque and assaulted
worshippers in shocking scenes recorded on video and widely shared on
social media, generating international condemnation.

Images of Israeli police standing over Palestinians on the ground and
beating them with batons and rifle butts during Ramadan were disturbingly
similar to events at al-Aqsa that precipitated a major confrontation
between Israel and resistance groups in Gaza during May 2021 that rippled
throughout historic Palestine.
Israeli forces raided the al-Aqsa mosque compound late Tuesday – the eve of
Passover, a Jewish holiday – following the *tarawih* evening prayers,
evacuating worshippers from the yards of the holy site, according
to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights.

Police attempted to evacuate a communal prayer hall in al-Aqsa mosque but
the hundreds of worshippers there refused and continued to pray in
observance of Ramadan customs.

The prayer hall was cordoned off for two hours before being stormed via a
mosque clinic, which was ransacked and damaged during the raid.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces fired teargas and rubber coated bullets toward
worshippers through the prayer hall’s upper windows, “filling the mosque
with smoke,” PCHR added.

Some worshippers tried to fend off the raiding forces by lighting fireworks
and throwing plastic chairs and police “responded by firing more teargas
canisters and rubber bullets.”

Police forced women out from the prayer hall and detained hundreds of young
Confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli forces ensued around
al-Aqsa following the raid and Israeli prevented worshippers under the age
of 50 from entering the mosque compound.

Following dawn prayers on Wednesday, Israeli forces raided the compound
yards, firing rubber-coated bullets at worshippers.

Police forcibly dispersed worshippers and prevented them from praying
before accompanying Israelis to the holy site.
Some 400-500 Palestinians were arrested at al-Aqsa, according to PCHR.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society said that Israeli forces prevented its
paramedics from entering the compound. Twelve injured persons were treated
outside of the compound, including a paramedic. *The New York Times*
that 37 Palestinians and two Israeli officers were injured during the raid.
Armed resistance groups in Gaza fired several rockets
towards Israel following the attack at al-Aqsa. Israel conducted airstrikes
against what it says were weapons production sites and fired artillery
shells into the territory.

Both the UN Security Council
and the Arab League
called for emergency sessions concerning the unprovoked police assault on
worshippers, which occurred days after an officer shot and killed a
at close range near the al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City.

Tor Wennesland, the UN secretary-general’s Middle East envoy, condemned the
“apparent beating” of Palestinians by Israeli police and the “large number
of arrests.”
Without naming Israel as the party responsible, the US Office of
Palestinian Affairs said that “violence has no place in a holy site and
during a holy season” and called for de-escalation. The European Union put
out an Arabic-language tweet expressing its “deep concern” but has not
issued a statement in English or Hebrew. Sami Abou Shahadeh, the head of a
Palestinian political party in Israel, warned that the situation “will
become more intense” over coming days “as settlers are planning several
incursions” into the al-Aqsa compound during Passover. So-called Temple
activists – extremists who seek the destruction of al-Aqsa mosque
and its replacement with a Jewish temple – aim to change the fragile status
quo at the holy site by performing a Passover animal sacrifice.

*The Times of Israel* reported
that police had detained “a number of people” near the al-Aqsa mosque
compound on Wednesday with “lambs or goats that they were suspected of
intending to sacrifice at the site for the Passover holiday.”

Videos of police stopping people and confiscating goats circulated on
social media on Wednesday:
The publication added that on Sunday, Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s ultra-right
national security minister, called on Jews to visit the holy site during
Passover “but not perform the ritual sacrifice, which he has repeatedly
called for allowing in the past and has even attempted to perform himself.”

One of Ben-Gvir’s advisers proclaimed last week that the judicial overhaul
put on hold by Netanyahu’s government will lead to a “Davidic monarchy”
similar to the United Arab Emirates.
On Monday, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak took to Twitter
to issue a warning over this theocratic vision held by elements in the
ruling coalition who seek a major escalation at al-Aqsa – referred to as
Temple Mount by Jews.

“In conversations between Israelis and Western diplomatic officials, there
are deep concerns raised of the possibility that if the coup in Israel
succeeds, a messianic dictatorship — that possesses nuclear weapons and
fanatically wishes for a confrontation with Islam centered on the Temple
Mount — will be established in the heart of the Middle East,” he stated.
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