[News] The United States Should Solve its Own Human Rights Problems

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Wed Sep 21 11:12:07 EDT 2022

The United States Should Solve its Own Human Rights Problems

September 19, 2022


San Francisco, photo: Bill Hackwell

Today member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Cuba and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez
Parrilla, urged the U.S. Government to solve its human rights problems,
instead of spending millions of taxpayers’ dollars on misinformation about
the situation of children in Cuba.

In the same message, he specified that the United States deported more than
11,000 Central American children in the first semester of this year, a
figure that represents an increase of 10,400% as compared with the same
period of 2021.

The humanitarian organization Americans for Immigrant Justice denounced
that, in 2021, 70% of the children suffered mistreatment while in the
custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

It detailed that minors complained of excessive detention, verbal and
physical abuse, deprivation of medical care, lack of food and water, low
temperatures without access to blankets, and separation from their families.

Other data regarding children should shame the northern nation. A BBC en
Español article notes that, annually, some 2,500 children die in the United
States as a result of maltreatment.

It stresses that, over a ten-year period, more than 20,000 American
children are believed to have died in their own homes, at the hands of
family members. (International News Office)

Source: Granma
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