[News] Brazilians Protest Against the Murder of Indigenous Leaders

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Sep 16 11:24:09 EDT 2022

Brazilians Protest Against the Murder of Indigenous LeadersSeptember 15,
[image: image.png]

On Thursday, nine Indigenous Peoples from four Brazilian states gathered at
the Three Powers Square in Brasilia to protest against the escalation of
assassinations of their leaders.

Previously, on Tuesday, gunmen killed Victorino Sanches, a 60-year-old
leader of the Guarani-Kaiowa people, as he was getting into a car in
Amambai City, in Mato Grosso do Sul.

The Missionary Indigenous Council (CIMI) confirmed that he was leading a
process of recovering ancestral lands, which were arbitrarily occupied by
informal businessmen in an area where two other social leaders had already
been assassinated.

The Guarani-Kaiowa leader was also the target of another attack on August
2, when gunmen fired over 15 shots at the car in which he was traveling,
injuring Sanches in his arm and leg.

Indígenas estão sendo mortos todos os dias pela necropolitica e fascismo
que se instalou no Brasil!

Não aguentamos mais sangrar. Não dá tempo de viver um luto, já temos outra
morte! Ainda perguntam o porquê de eleger uma bancada Indígena? Você
entende a importância disso? pic.twitter.com/8VmEmrYSL9
— Sonia Guajajara 5088 (@GuajajaraSonia) September 15, 2022

*The tweet reads, "Indigenous people are being killed every day by the
necropolitics and fascism that have been installed in Brazil! We cannot
bear any more bleeding. There is no time to live in mourning, we already
have another death! And yet there is people who ask: why vote to form an
Indigenous caucus? Do you understand the importance of this?"*

The CIMI also recalled that almost 1,300 violent invasions of Indigenous
territories were recorded in 2021. In reality, however, conflicts over land
in Mato Grosso do Sul have worsened since Jair Bolsonaro took office in
January 2019.

This far-right President prohibited the demarcation of Indigenous lands and
removed protections for territories previously recognized by the Brazilian
laws. These policies led to land invasions by mining, wood and agricultural

"The attacks the Indigenous populations are suffering all over Brazil are a
racist and reactionary expression of agricultural companies, which are
allied with Bolsonaro and the military," outlet Esquerda Diario recalled.

"The president himself, who always makes xenophobic and reactionary
comments, allows them to advance through the violence carried out by
hoarders, ranchers, and seekers of Indigenous lands."
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