[News] From Ayotzinapa: 8 years of struggle for the truth

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Thu Sep 1 16:46:21 EDT 2022


Communiqués from The Committee of Mothers and Fathers of the 43 
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  From Ayotzinapa: 8 years of struggle for the truth

      Communiqués from The Committee of Mothers and Fathers of the 43

taller ahuehuete 
Sep 1 

        On September 26, 2014, forty-three students from the Ayotzinapa
        Rural Teachers' College were forcibly abducted in Iguala,
        Guerrero, Mexico.

        The Ayotzinapa massacre exhibits the profound ongoing crisis.
        Brutality is exerted against rural, indigenous and working-class
        communities — seen as surplus populations within the sanguinary
        circuit of capitalist accumulation.


At a rally in Mexico City, after a strong storm, those gathered to 
demand the truth regarding the whereabouts of the 43 students torn by 
the claws of the Mexican State 95 months ago released a communiqué where 
they informed their position regarding the report presented by the 
State-sponsored /Commission for Truth and Access to Justice of the 
Ayotzinapa/Case CVAJA.
They acknowledge in the official recognition that the assault was 
authored by the state, corroborated by networks of complicity that 
operated in the forced disappearances. Nevertheless, they deemed the 
results insufficient, as the path for answers has been plagued by 
obstruction and impunity.
The communiqués have been translated by taller ahuehuete 

    8 years of struggle for the truth

/Mexico City,
August 26, 2022. /
The mothers and fathers of the forty-three disappeared students of 
Ayotzinapa salute all organizations and people who, in many different 
ways, have joined our demand for the presentation, alive, of our children.
It has been almost eight years. We have suffered, bitterly, and cried 
tears of blood due to the disappearance of our children. The darkness 
continues, the dawn does not seem nearby the horizon. It is as if time 
had stopped that rainy and dark night of September 26, 2014.
On September 17, the /Commission for Truth and Access to Justice/in the 
Ayotzinapa case presented a report.
For us, the report is relevant because it contains certain elements. For 
once, the recognition that the events of September 26 were authored by 
the Mexican State. This is significant. It shows that various government 
entities participated in the disappearance of our children, and that 
they should be investigated and punished.
The participation of bureaucrats was finally documented. At least four 
municipalities surrounding Iguala, alongside federal police, and 
elements of the 27th and 48th infantry battalion, as well as the 35th 
military zone were involved.
The events in Ayotzinapa are complex. Ayotzinapa involved the collusion 
of various state corporations and criminal groups that were allowed to 
control and direct the cowardly attack against our children.
The whereabouts and the fate of our children have not been clarified, 
there is preliminary technical proof that must be analyzed under the 
highest scientific rigor for us to feel at peace. Mothers and fathers 
need indubitable scientific proof of the fate of our children.
We cannot go home with preliminary indications that do not fully clear 
up where they are and what happened to them.
On the other hand, the arrest and indictment of Mr. Jesus Murillo Karam 
represent a step forward on the road to access to justice.
Today, the judge handling the case proved us right. Murillo Karam 
conducted a murky, irregular investigation. It was plagued with torture, 
manipulation, and polluted evidence, thus constructing a lie that 
prevented us from knowing the whereabouts of our children.
If other lines of investigation had been explored a few days after the 
disappearances, the success of finding out the whereabouts could have 
been more objective, however, the criminal and human actions of this 
gentleman and other officials prevented it.
Therefore, it is important not to let the actions of such officials go 
unpunished, so we will be filing charges against this person.
For our part, we will continue to demand the presentation of our 43 
alive. We cannot give up the struggle until we have full proof of their 
whereabouts. It will be painful for our families to know of their fate, 
especially if they are dead, but if we receive objective, comprobable 
and indubitable proof, we will go home to mourn them and proceed with 
our mourning. To date we do not have this proof, therefore, our demand 
and struggle continue.
The report of the president of the CoVAJ opens new routes of 
investigation, search and exercise of the action that competent 
bureaucratic channels must follow and exhaust.
We call on all people, the people of Mexico to raise their voices so 
that the Ayotzinapa case is not forgotten and does not remain under 
impunity. It is up to this generation to fight for truth and avenge the 
pain, so that atrocious events like ours do not continue to happen.
Committee of Mothers and Fathers of the 43
*An update:*
As parents of the 43 disappeared students, we reaffirm our commitment to 
fight for the safe return of our children; for the thousands of missing 
persons throughout the country, and for other struggles of rural and 
urban workers being fought throughout the length and breadth of the nation.
Today we have learned through the media and social networks that Felipe 
de la Cruz, who for a while accompanied our struggle, has registered as 
a candidate for federal deputy for the State of Guerrero, on a 
plurinominal basis.
In this regard, we state that he has the full right to exercise his 
political participation and political campaigning process. However, it 
is important to clarify that this is a personal decision, which was not 
shared or consulted with us, as parents of the 43 missing students.
Therefore, he does not represent our movement.
We disassociate ourselves from all the activities he carries out, and 
express that we will not allow the cause of the 43 and our pain to be 
used for electoral purposes and political interests.
*Our struggle is not guided or motivated by partisan or other reasons 
other than to find our 43 children, as well as to achieve the truth and 
*We emphasize our commitment to continue the struggle from below for the 
presentation of our children alive and not for public office and we will 
continue in this line. We dissociate ourselves from any partisan action 
that any person may carry out.*
Because they were taken alive, we want them alive!
/Committee of Mothers and Fathers of the 43 Missing Students of Ayotzinapa/


/Ayotzinapa, Guerrero
August 30, 2022/
On the 28th of this month, some people called for a march in Iguala to 
demand the release of José Luis Abarca, responsible for the forced 
disappearance of the 43 students of the Rural Normal School of Ayotzinapa.
Unfortunately, five parents of the missing students responded to the 
invitation of Pedro Segura, a cattle rancher linked to the Abarca family 
and their criminal group¹.
In this regard, we state that the attendance of these parents was on an 
individual basis, in no way did they represent the collective of the 
Fathers and Mothers of the 43.
It is clear to our movement the responsibility of José Luis Abarca in 
the disappearance of our children, according to the evidence in the 
investigation, which indicates that he should be punished to the full 
extent of the law for having committed serious violations and for having 
truncated 43 lives of young people who had the hope of becoming teachers.
We deeply regret the death of Mr. Ezequiel Mora Chora, father of the 
student Alexander Mora Venancio, who attended the aforementioned march, 
where he lost his life in conditions that we consider should be 
investigated in detail.
We offer our condolences and solidarity to his family.
*We want to emphasize that Pedro Segura, by orders of the Abarca family 
and other power groups, has been approaching some parents for some time 
to try to co-opt and divide us.*
The collective of the Fathers and Mothers of the 43 is united and 
standing with a unified, intact conviction to continue demanding truth 
and justice.
The attempts of division orchestrated by the groups in power and the 
mafias will not be able to stop us or undermine our struggle.
It is not and will not be the first time that we suffer these threats; 
in the past, caciques and rulers have tried to do so without success.
Our love for our children is infinite and our struggle for justice is 
Committee of Mothers and Fathers of the 43


Thank you for reading ahuehuete.org <http://ahuehuete.org/>. This post 
is public so feel free to share it.
The International Organization for Migration, coinciding with the 
International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, released 
its data regarding 2022. An increase of 43% of reported cases was 
Between January and August 2021, 462 migrants disappeared, while in the 
same period of this 2022, 618 reports were filed. 6,569 persons in 
transit died or disappeared on their journey seeking asylum since 2014, 
61% of them on the route to the border with the United States.



"We want to emphasize that Pedro Segura, on orders from the Abarca 
family and other power groups, has been approaching some parents for 
some time now to co-opt them and divide the collective of mothers and 
The collective of the 43 mothers and fathers is standing upright and 
intact with the conviction to continue the struggle for truth and 
justice. The attempts of co-optation and division orchestrated from the 
power groups and mafias will not stop the march nor will they undermine 
our struggle. It is not the first time that we suffer these attacks; in 
the past, caciques and rulers have tried unsuccessfully. Our love for 
our children is infinite and our struggle for justice is unwavering," 
the parents of the 43 missing students declared.

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© 2022 taller ahuehuete
ahuehuete.org <http://ahuehuete.org/> | taller-ahuehuete at riseup.net

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