[News] Assassinations do not stop the Palestinian resistance

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Wed Oct 26 12:16:20 EDT 2022

Assassinations do not stop the resistance

October 26, 2022
[image: image.png]

Israeli occupation security services, in collaboration with local agents,
assassinated the perceived leader of the Lions' Den group, Tamer Al-Kilani,
may God rest his soul. He was killed on 23 October by an explosive device
planted on a motorcycle that could be detonated remotely. It blew up as he
passed by.

Who detonated the bomb at the right time? The Israeli media neither talks
about this point nor names the perpetrator. Logic suggests that it was
either a collaborator on the ground nearby, or a reconnaissance aircraft or

It is likely that it was a collaborator, which is why the Lions' Den needs
to be secure and the perpetrator must be found. The group needs to be more
cautious after studying the assassination operation. Indeed, Nablus needs
to be more secure; six Palestinians have been killed
in the city this week already.

The use of a remotely-detonated explosive device is not a new method of
killing Palestinians, as the Israeli newspapers try to claim. As long ago
as 1996, Yahya Ayyash was killed in Gaza by a remotely-detonated explosive
planted in a mobile phone. In 2006, Israel assassinated Abu Al-Abed
Al-Quqa, the leader of the popular committees, with an explosive device
placed in a car on the road that he passed through on his way to the
mosque. This old-new method depends on two elements for its success: the
local agent, and careful intelligence and monitoring of the target, with
information being updated immediately.

[image: Israel forces carry out strike in Gaza - Cartoon [Sabaaneh/Middle
East Monitor]]

Israel forces carry out strikes in Gaza – Cartoon [Sabaaneh/Middle East

The danger of this act for the Palestinians is that it does not leave a
clear perpetrator's fingerprint, and the enemy can hide its responsibility
under a flood of false allegations that help it to do so. At the same time,
there is no confrontation with the popular base of the Lions' Den, so it
avoids the popular reactions that usually pave the way for major uprisings.
The message that assassinations send to other resistance fighters is clear,
and it restricts their freedom of movement. This is a valuable gain for the
enemy and its government, especially when the decision is to postpone a
major invasion to a later date.

*READ: Hamas leader hails 'resistance' by Lions' Den martyrs

By assassinating individuals, the enemy weakens the Lions' Den and reduces
its attractiveness to Palestinians. It also protects the Palestinian
Authority from possible collapse during a large-scale raid.

However, none of this will make the illegal Jewish settlers in the occupied
West Bank and Jerusalem any safer or more secure. Israel has assassinated
many influential figures in Gaza and in the West Bank as well, and they are
simply replaced. The resistance has not been ended by Israeli
assassinations; it has been renewed. Resistance goes hand in hand with
occupation and colonialism. It will not end until the occupation ends.

*This article first appeared in Arabic in Felesteen
25 October 2022 and was edited for MEMO*

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not
necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.
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