[News] Israel occupation forces, settlers attack Palestinians across occupied West Bank

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Sat Oct 22 12:31:36 EDT 2022

Israel occupation forces, settlers attack Palestinians across occupied West
October 21, 2022
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Israeli occupation forces on Friday attacked Palestinian demonstrations,
while Israeli settlers attacked farmers across the occupied West Bank
cities, *Al-Resalah* newspaper reported.

Following Friday prayers, Palestinians rallied at the Israeli military
checkpoints of Huwwara, south of Nablus, and Beit Furik, east of Nablus.
They also gathered near the Deir Sharaf crossing, which has been closed for
12 days.

Palestinians protested against the Israeli blockade on the city of Nablus,
which has been in place for 12 days and is scheduled, per an Israeli
military order, to last until 13 November, 2022.

The Israeli occupation forces attacked Palestinians
at the three points where they gathered; some were detained, and three were

Are Israeli settlers really innocent? – Cartoon [Sabaaneh/MiddleEastMonitor]

Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation forces attacked Palestinian paramedics
from the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and the Medical Relief
Society, who were helping the wounded.

Near Sbeih Mountain, located in the Beita neighbourhood, Palestinians
performed Friday prayer and protested against the illegal Israeli settler
outpost, Evyatar.

The Israeli occupation forces attacked protesters, and the PRCS said eight
Palestinians were wounded, some received field treatment and others were
rushed to hospitals in Nablus.

At the same time, a gang of Israeli settlers from the settlement of Yitzhar
attacked Palestinian farmers while they were picking olives at their farms.

This coincided with settlers, protected by Israeli occupation forces,
storming Qaryout Spring. They broke the locks of the Palestinian facilities
built around it and attempted to seize it.

In Qalqilya, the Israeli occupation forces attacked youths who organised
protests after performing Friday prayer at Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Mosque to
protest against the Israeli settlement in Kafr Qaddum. Several protesters
were reported wounded.

Israeli occupation forces protected settlers who attacked Palestinian
farmers near the Separation Wall in Hebron. Ahmad Abu Eida, 16, was harmed
in the attack and suffered wounds across his body, Palestinian paramedics

Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian motorists at the southern entrance of
Hebron, causing a massive traffic jam due to the barricades they placed on
the road.

*Al-Resalah* said that these Israeli attacks are part of the regular
aggression on Palestinians who organise weekly anti-settlement protests.

*READ: Settlers stab foreigner showing solidarity with Palestinians and
uproot 300 trees
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