[News] The Last Thing Haiti Needs Is Another Military Intervention

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Thu Oct 20 10:25:45 EDT 2022

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*The Last Thing Haiti Needs Is Another Military Intervention: The 
Forty-Second Newsletter (2022)*

Gélin Buteau (Haiti), /Guede with Drum/, ca. 1995.

Dear friends,

Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research 

At the United Nations General Assembly on 24 September 2022, Haiti’s 
Foreign Minister Jean Victor Geneus admitted that his country faces a 
serious crisis, which he said 
‘can only be solved with the effective support of our partners’. To many 
close observers of the situation unfolding in Haiti, the phrase 
‘effective support’ sounded like Geneus was signalling that another 
military intervention by Western powers was imminent. Indeed, two days 
prior to Geneus’s comments, /The/ /Washington Post/ published an 
editorial on the situation in Haiti in which it called 
for ‘muscular action by outside actors’. On 15 October, the United 
States and Canada issued a joint statement 
announcing that they had sent military aircraft to Haiti to deliver 
weapons to Haitian security services. That same day, the United States 
submitted a draft resolution 
to the UN Security Council calling for the ‘immediate deployment of a 
multinational rapid action force’ into Haiti.

Ever since the Haitian Revolution won independence from France in 1804, 
Haiti has faced successive waves of invasions, including a 
two-decade-long US occupation 
from 1915 to 1934, a US-backed dictatorship 
from 1957 to 1986, two Western-backed coups 
against the progressive former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 1991 
and 2004, and a UN military intervention 
from 2004 to 2017. These invasions have prevented Haiti from securing 
its sovereignty and have prevented its people from building dignified 
lives. Another invasion, whether by US and Canadian troops or by UN 
peacekeeping forces, will only deepen the crisis. Tricontinental: 
Institute for Social Research, the International Peoples’ Assembly 
ALBA Movements 
and the Plateforme Haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement 
(‘Haitian Advocacy Platform for Alternative Development’ or PAPDA) have 
produced a red alert on the current situation in Haiti, which can be 
found below and downloaded as a PDF. 


      *What is happening in Haiti?*

A popular insurrection has unfolded in Haiti throughout 2022. These 
protests are the continuation of a cycle of resistance that began in 
2016 in response to a social crisis developed by the coups in 1991 and 
2004, the earthquake in 2010, and Hurricane Matthew in 2016. For more 
than a century, any attempt by the Haitian people to exit the 
neocolonial system imposed by the US military occupation (1915–34) has 
been met with military and economic interventions to preserve it. The 
structures of domination and exploitation established by that system 
have impoverished the Haitian people, with most of the population having 
no access to drinking water, health care, education, or decent housing. 
Of Haiti’s 11.4 million people, 4.6 million are food insecure 
and 70% are unemployed 

Manuel Mathieu (Haiti), /Rempart /(‘Rampart’), 2018.

The Haitian Creole word /dechoukaj/ or ‘uprooting’ – which was first 
in the pro-democracy movements of 1986 that fought against the US-backed 
dictatorship – has come to define 
the current protests. The government of Haiti, led by acting Prime 
Minister and President Ariel Henry, raised fuel prices during this 
crisis, which provoked a protest from the trade unions and deepened the 
movement. Henry was installed 
to his post in 2021 by the ‘Core Group 
(made up of six countries and led by the US, the European Union, the UN, 
and the Organisation of American States) after the murder of the 
unpopular president Jovenel Moïse. Although still unsolved, it is clear 
that Moïse was killed by a conspiracy that included the ruling party, 
drug trafficking gangs, Colombian mercenaries, and US intelligence 
services. The UN’s Helen La Lime told 
the Security Council in February that the national investigation into 
Moïse’s murder had stalled, a situation that has fuelled rumours and 
exacerbated both suspicion and mistrust within the country.

Fritzner Lamour (Haiti), Poste Ravine Pintade, ca. 1980.

Fritzner Lamour (Haiti), /Poste Ravine Pintade/, ca. 1980.

      *How have the forces of neocolonialism reacted?*

The United States and Canada are now arming 
Henry’s illegitimate government and planning military intervention in 
Haiti. On 15 October, the US submitted a draft resolution 
to the United Nations Security Council calling for the ‘immediate 
deployment of a multinational rapid action force’ in the country. This 
would be the latest chapter in over two centuries of destructive 
intervention by Western countries in Haiti. Since the 1804 Haitian 
Revolution, the forces of imperialism (including slave owners) have 
intervened militarily and economically against people’s movements 
seeking to end the neocolonial system. Most recently, these forces 
entered the country under the auspices of the United Nations via the UN 
Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), which was active from 2004 to 
2017. A further such intervention in the name of ‘human rights’ would 
only affirm the neocolonial system now managed by Ariel Henry and would 
be catastrophic for the Haitian people, whose movement forward is being 
blocked by gangs created 
and promoted behind the scenes by the Haitian oligarchy, supported by 
the Core Group, and armed by weapons from 
the United States.

Saint Louis Blaise (Haiti), /Généraux /(‘Generals’), 1975.

      *How can the world stand in solidarity with Haiti?*

Haiti’s crisis can only be solved by the Haitian people, but they must 
be accompanied by the immense force of international solidarity. The 
world can look to the examples demonstrated by the Cuban Medical Brigade 
which first went to Haiti in 1998; by the Via Campesina/ALBA Movimientos 
brigade, which has worked with popular movements on reforestation and 
popular education since 2009; and by the assistance 
provided by the Venezuelan government, which includes discounted oil. It 
is imperative for those standing in solidarity with Haiti to demand, at 
a minimum:

 1. that France and the United States provide reparations for the theft
    of Haitian wealth since 1804, including the return
    of the gold stolen by the US in 1914. France alone owes
    Haiti at least $28 billion.
 2. that the United States return
    Navassa Island to Haiti.
 3. that the United Nations pay
    for the crimes committed by MINUSTAH, whose forces killed tens of
    thousands of Haitians, raped untold numbers of women, and introduced
    into the country.
 4. that the Haitian people be permitted to build their own sovereign,
    dignified, and just political and economic framework and to create
    education and health systems that can meet the people’s real needs.
 5. that all progressive forces oppose the military invasion of Haiti.

Marie-Hélène Cauvin (Haiti), Trinité (‘Trinity’), 2003.

Marie-Hélène Cauvin (Haiti), /Trinité /(‘Trinity’), 2003

The common sense demands in this red alert do not require much 
elaboration, but they do need to be amplified.

Western countries will talk about this new military intervention with 
phrases such as ‘restoring democracy’ and ‘defending human rights’. The 
terms ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ are demeaned in these instances. 
This was on display at the UN General Assembly in September, when US 
President Joe Biden said 
that his government continues ‘to stand with our neighbour in Haiti’. 
The emptiness of these words is revealed in a new Amnesty International 
that documents the racist abuse faced by Haitian asylum seekers in the 
United States. The US and the Core Group might stand with people like 
Ariel Henry and the Haitian oligarchy, but they do not stand with the 
Haitian people, including those who have fled to the United States.

In 1957, the Haitian communist novelist Jacques-Stéphen Alexis published 
a letter to his country titled /La belle amour humaine/ (‘Beautiful 
Human Love’). ‘I don’t think that the triumph of morality can happen by 
itself without the actions of humans’, Alexis wrote 
A descendent of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, one of the revolutionaries that 
overthrew French rule in 1804, Alexis wrote novels to uplift the human 
spirit, a profound contribution to the Battle of Emotions 
in his country. In 1959, Alexis founded the Parti pour l’Entente 
Nationale (‘People’s Consensus Party’). On 2 June 1960, Alexis wrote to 
the US-backed dictator François ‘Papa Doc’ Duvalier to inform him that 
both he and his country would overcome the violence of the dictatorship. 
‘As a man and as a citizen’, Alexis wrote, ‘it is inescapable to feel 
the inexorable march of the terrible disease, this slow death, which 
each day leads our people to the cemetery of nations like wounded 
pachyderms to the necropolis of elephants’. This march can only be 
halted by the people. Alexis was forced into exile in Moscow, where he 
participated in a meeting of international communist parties. When he 
arrived back in Haiti in April 1961, he was abducted in 
Môle-Saint-Nicolas and killed by the dictatorship shortly thereafter. In 
his letter to Duvalier, Alexis echoed, ‘we are the children of the future’.



Website <www.eltricontinental.org>




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