[News] One African To Die from Hunger Every 36 Seconds

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Oct 15 02:03:51 EDT 2022

One African To Die from Hunger Every 36 Seconds: OXFAM
teleSUR/ JF - October 14, 2022
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On Friday, Oxfam warned that one person is likely to die every 36 seconds
from hunger in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia, three countries that are
experiencing the worst drought recorded over the last forty years.

According to this humanitarian organization, a daily average of 2,421
people might die during October in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia, where over
6 million children will soon suffer from "acute malnutrition", a condition
that weakens the immune system and seriously alters the children's physical
and cerebral development.

"These people are suffering the effects of global climate change that they
did not help to cause. Rich countries, the main causes of the climate
crisis, have a moral responsibility to protect people from the harm they
have caused," Oxfam pointed out

On Thursday, the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) also warned that
the global food crisis will cause hunger to reach unprecedented levels in

The global food crisis is a confluence of competing crises – caused by
climate shocks, conflict, and economic pressures – that has pushed the
number of hungry people around the world from 282 million to 345 million in
just the first months of 2022.

“We are facing an unprecedented global food crisis and all signs suggest we
have not yet seen the worst. For the last three years hunger numbers have
repeatedly hit new peaks," WFP David Beasley pointed out.

"Let me be clear: things can and will get worse unless there is a large
scale and coordinated effort to address the root causes of this crisis. We
cannot have another year of record hunger.

Currently, food insecurity is affecting many developing countries. Ongoing
humanitarian crises, however, are evident in countries experiencing chronic
famine, including Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen.
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