[News] Palestine: Second Israeli soldier killed as West Bank violence escalates

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Tue Oct 11 12:53:03 EDT 2022

Palestine: Second Israeli soldier killed as West Bank violence escalates
By MEE and agencies - October 11, 2022
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An Israeli <https://www.middleeasteye.net/countries/israel> soldier shot in
the occupied West Bank on Tuesday has been pronounced dead following an
attack claimed by Nablus-based Palestinian
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/countries/palestine> militant group Lion's
Den, according to a spokesperson for the Israeli military.

Security sources were searching for the gunmen, who opened fire from a
passing car, according to Haaretz.

The soldier was shot near Shavei Shomron, an Israeli settlement near the
northern West Bank city of Nablus, during a settler march headed to the
nearby Palestinian town of Sebastia. They were the second soldier killed in
the West Bank in four days.


Palestine: Jerusalem refugee camp under siege as Israel hunts shooter

The shooting follows rising tensions in East Jerusalem and the occupied
West Bank, which have escalated following a number of killings of
Palestinians by Israeli forces
the beginning of the week-long Jewish Sukkot holiday.

Israeli forces shot dead two Palestinian teenagers in the West Bank city of
Jenin on Saturday morning, hours after it killed two more minors, including
a 14-year-old boy, near Qalqilya and Ramallah.

Residents of occupied East Jerusalem's Shuafat refugee camp have been besieged
in the neighbourhood for four days
some unable to leave to receive critical health treatments and many basic
supplies running low, as Israeli forces enforce a strict blockade.

Israeli troops locked down the camp, located just two kilometres from the
Old City, after an Israeli soldier was killed on Saturday
a man who approached a checkpoint leading to the camp and opened fire.

Israeli police identified the suspect, who is still at large, as Udi
Tamimi, a 22-year-old Palestinian
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/countries/palestine> resident of
Shuafat. Israeli media reports said Tamimi's mother, father and brother had
all been detained.

Israeli forces have also closed all entrances to the town of Anata, and the
suburb of al-Salam, northeast of East Jerusalem.

The Shuafat camp was reported to be swarming with Israeli soldiers on
Monday as the search for the suspect continued.

"The incursions are continuing and large military forces are entering the
camp, raising their weapons towards the people," said Thaer al-Fasfos, an
activist and member of the camp's popular committee.

'There are a lot of cases who need dialysis, as well as cancer patients who
are unable to get access to treatment or chemotherapy'

*- Thaer al-Fasfos, Shuafat camp activist*

"Special [Israeli] units are also on the ground, causing injuries to
people, with no one able to help or assist them."

Describing the situation within Shuafat as "tragic", Fasfos said: "Many
patients need to go to hospitals in Jerusalem but have been unable to do so.

"There are a lot of cases who need dialysis, as well as cancer patients who
are unable to get access to treatment or chemotherapy in Hadassah Ein

More than 160 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire this year,
including 50 in the Gaza Strip and at least 110 in the occupied West Bank
and East Jerusalem.

The death toll rate in the West Bank is the highest recorded in a single
year since 2015.
Al-Aqsa stormed

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East
Jerusalem on Monday, the second day of Sukkot.

Inside the settlers performed prayers after Israeli police cleared the
compound of Muslim worshippers.

Other settlers marched through the streets of the Old City while holding
rituals near the gates leading to Al-Aqsa Mosque.


Four Palestinian teens killed by Israeli forces in 24 hours

Palestinians have been outraged by repeated intrusions by Israeli settlers
to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

By long-standing convention, non-Muslim tourists are allowed to visit under
certain conditions and the approval of the Waqf, an Islamic trust that
manages the mosque's affairs, but only Muslims are allowed to pray there.

Tor Wennesland, the UN special coordinator for the Middle East Peace
Process, issued a statement on Saturday
<https://english.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/131210> saying he was "alarmed at
the deteriorating security situation" and urged Israeli and Palestinian
authorities to "restore calm and avoid further escalations".

  On Monday, the Palestinian foreign ministry
the international community to hold Israel accountable for killing more
than 160 Palestinians since the beginning of the year.

"Israel deliberately targets Palestinian children and minors with the
stated aim of killing and maiming them, thus denying them their right to
life," the ministry said.

"Children must never be killed or maimed. The State of Palestine warns that
Israel's escalating crimes and deliberate targeting of Palestinian children
will continue unabatedly and exponentially if accountability is not
urgently and effectively pursued."
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