[News] Palestinian resistance operations and Israel kills 4 teens in rampage across West Bank

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun Oct 9 13:21:53 EDT 2022

Israel kills 4 teens in rampage across West Bank

Tamara Nassar <https://electronicintifada.net/people/tamara-nassar> - 9
October 2022
[image: The body of a boy is carried on a stretcher]

Mourners carry the body of 14-year-old Adel Ibrahim Adel Daoud during his
funeral in the West Bank city of Qalqiliya on 8 October.
APA images

A Palestinian resistance operation in occupied East Jerusalem killed an
Israeli soldier and injured several others on Saturday evening.

The person who carried out the shooting at a military checkpoint near
Shuafat refugee camp escaped without being captured by occupation forces.

This came after intense army raids in the West Bank during which Israeli
forces killed four Palestinians in 24 hours, all teenagers, three of them

A video shared by local media shows a white car pulling up at the
checkpoint and a man calmly exiting from the passenger seat. He walks
towards a group of soldiers and security guards and shoots at them at point
blank range.

تغطية صحفية: "أطلق النار على الجنود من نقطة صفر"... مصادر عبرية: "فيديو
نشره الاحتلال لعملية إطلاق النار التي أدت لمقتل مجندة وإصابة آخرين على حاجز
مخيم شعفاط الليلة الماضية".#فلسطين
pic.twitter.com/PqSJZ2hwLF <https://t.co/PqSJZ2hwLF>
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 9, 2022

He runs away as the car drives off. Another video shows the immediate
aftermath of the shooting:

من مكان عـمـــلــية إطلاق النار تجاه حاجز مخيم شعفاط بالقدس.#فلسطين
pic.twitter.com/x1HkgU1Yut <https://t.co/x1HkgU1Yut>
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 8, 2022

The driver of the car and two other passengers are in custody, according to
Israeli authorities, who claim
to know the identity of the gunman.

The dead soldier was identified as Noa Lazar. Israeli media reported that a
“civilian” security guard who worked at the checkpoint was seriously
wounded and that two officers from the paramilitary Border Police sustained
less serious injuries.

The Israeli army sealed off
<https://twitter.com/qudsn/status/1579001258077294592> and raided Shuafat
refugee camp after the operation.

فيديو| لحظة اقتحام أعداد كبيرة من قوات الاحتلال منزلاً في مخيم شعفاط
بالقدس. pic.twitter.com/NSx18teMDM <https://t.co/NSx18teMDM>
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 8, 2022

Troops fired tear gas in the camp and raided homes.

فيديو| مواجهات عنيفة في مخيم شعفاط شمال القدس المحتلة.
pic.twitter.com/X8xWSqpuMj <https://t.co/X8xWSqpuMj>
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 8, 2022

This video shows soldiers pointing their weapons as they invade a
Palestinian home in the camp:

🛑 مصادر محلية: قوات الاحتلال تقتحم منزلاً في مخيم شعفاط بالقدس
pic.twitter.com/HEfvoE8bfR <https://t.co/HEfvoE8bfR>
— الرسالة للإعلام (@Alresalahpress) October 9, 2022

Refugee camp attack

Israel appears unable to comprehend that its unending violence against the
Palestinian civilian population is precisely what generates resistance, and
escalating its attacks and collective punishment has never brought
“security” but only more resistance.

The attack at Shuafat followed a bloody series of Israeli raids that left
Palestinians reeling, as more families buried children cut down by Israeli

On Saturday morning, the Israeli military invaded Jenin refugee camp in the
northern West Bank to detain Palestinians. This video shows a large Israeli
military convoy entering Jenin on Saturday morning:

مراسلنا : آليات عسكرية إسرائيلية اقتحمت جنين وتحاصر أحد المنازل
pic.twitter.com/xelvA0Ojsa <https://t.co/xelvA0Ojsa>
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 8, 2022

to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, Israeli forces “laid siege” to
the house of Samir Saleh Abu Zeina and began to open fire on it – an
indication that they were implementing the so-called pressure cooker
procedure <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/pressure-cooker-procedure>,
a form of extrajudicial execution where a wanted person must either
surrender or have the house they are in destroyed on top of them.

Israeli forces, supplemented by Apache combat helicopters and drones armed
with missiles, succeeded in detaining the homeowner’s son Saleh, whom
Israel accuses of “terrorist” activity.

During the siege, Palestinians gathered to resist the invasion with stones,
according to PCHR. Israel claims
<https://twitter.com/idfonline/status/1578663028832497664> its forces were
also confronted with Molotov cocktails and live fire.

Israeli fire killed
two people and injured 11 others, three seriously, according to the
Palestinian Authority health ministry.

Those killed were Ahmad Muhammad Hussein Daraghmah, 19, and Mahmoud Moayad
Mahmoud Sous, 17.

Sous, a resident of the camp, “allegedly threw a homemade explosive device
toward an Israeli military vehicle deployed about 20 meters (65 feet) away
during confrontations with Israeli forces, and then sustained two gunshot
wounds to the neck and right thigh,” according
to Defense for Children International - Palestine (DCIP).

Both bullets struck him from behind, according to a medical report cited by

Israeli forces shot dead 17-year-old Mahmoud Moayad Mahmoud Sous with two
bullets to the back of his thigh and neck around 10 am today in Jenin.
Israeli forces entered Jenin refugee camp to conduct raids and Mahmoud was
killed after allegedly throwing a homemade explosive device.
pic.twitter.com/o0TlS9uePY <https://t.co/o0TlS9uePY>
— Defense for Children (@DCIPalestine) October 8, 2022

Daraghmah, who was from the nearby town of Tubas, was shot in the
head. Soldiers
fire at a group of children

On Friday, Israeli occupation forces opened fire on a group of children and
youth near Israel’s separation wall near the northern West Bank town of

The young Palestinians were “in one of the groves, where they usually go
from time to time, and which is around 100 meters away” from an Israeli
army position, according to PCHR.

An Israeli bullet hit 14-year-old Adel Ibrahim Adel Daoud in the head,
causing fatal injuries.

Photos shared by local news agencies showed the child’s young friends
mourning at his funeral.

تغطية صحفية: تشييع جثمان الطفل عادل إبراهيم داود، الذي ارتقى برصاص الاحتلال
في قلقيلية أمس. pic.twitter.com/s0IP0kOA3H <https://t.co/s0IP0kOA3H>
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 8, 2022

In another video, Daoud’s mother touchingly recalls her son’s last day and
speaks of her distress when she heard he had been shot.

“I pray that God will accept him among the martyrs, the prophets and those
who are pure,” she said as others sought to comfort her.

مؤثر| "بدي أنام النومة الهنيّة".. والدة عادل داود تتحدث عن آخر أيامه وكيف
تلقت خبر ارتقائه برصاص الاحتلال في قلقيلية. pic.twitter.com/368McarZhT
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 8, 2022

Also on Friday, Israeli settlers escorted by soldiers invaded the occupied
West Bank village of al-Mazra al-Gharbiyeh, north of Ramallah, and
repeatedly attacked Palestinians, according
to a field investigation by DCIP.

Palestinian youth gathered to resist the soldiers and settlers by throwing
stones, empty bottles and Molotov cocktails, according
to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights.

Israeli forces fired live and rubber-coated steel bullets, stun grenades
and teargas canisters at Palestinians.

Mahdi Muhammad Ladadwa, 17, was shot in the pelvis, according
to DCIP.
[image: Collage of two portraits of two boys]

Adel Ibrahim Adel Daoud, 14, and Mahdi Muhammad Abdulmuti Ladadwa, 17.
Defense for Children International-Palestine

“An Israeli soldier opened fire from a distance of less than 20 meters at
Ladadwa, who posed no threat or danger to the soldiers’ lives,” PCHR
reported, citing an eyewitness.

Ladadwa, who was shot in the “left waist” according to PCHR, was taken to
hospital in critical condition, but died later that evening.

Video and photos circulated by local media showed a large turnout for
Ladadwa’s funeral procession.

تغطية صحفية: تشييع جثمان الشاب مهدي لدادوة في المزرعة الغربية شمال غرب رام
الله، بعد ارتقائه برصاص الاحتلال أمس. pic.twitter.com/JJ5qkQzBjx
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 8, 2022

"الحضن الأخير".. والدة الشاب مهدي لدادوة تودعه خلال تشييع جثمانه في قرية
المزرعة الغربية شمال غرب رام الله. pic.twitter.com/gmwBdm6bDJ
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 8, 2022

“Israeli authorities not only persistently fail to investigate Israeli
settler violence against Palestinians, including children, but they
actively support settler attacks,” said Ayed Abu Eqtaish, accountability
program director at DCIP.

“Systemic impunity combined with military protection from the state has
undoubtedly led to Israeli settlers becoming more brazen in their attacks.”

In one widely shared video, Israeli soldiers are seen attacking, shoving
and pointing their weapons at people, including medics, who were attempting
to aid a young man lying on a stretcher bleeding from near his groin.

At least one gunshot can be heard in the brief video.

جنود الاحتلال يعتدون على فلسطينيين خلال إسعاف مصاب في قرية المزرعة الغربية
شمال غرب رام الله. pic.twitter.com/lF6DJsOfLC <https://t.co/lF6DJsOfLC>
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 7, 2022

Some local media
identified the youth on the stretcher as Ladadwa, although his face is not
clearly visible.

However, another child, 16-year-old Nour Ali Shreiteh, was also shot and
injured with a live bullet in his pelvis during the same incident,
according to PCHR.

Israeli occupation forces “attempted to arrest him after being injured, but
people managed to take him to the hospital,” PCHR reported. Israeli forces
then “arrested one of those who prevented the arrest attempt.”
International silence and complicity

Throughout Friday and most of Saturday, representatives of the so-called
international community remained silent about the escalating bloodshed as
long as it was only Palestinians being killed and injured.

But after Israeli occupation forces came under attack at the Shuafat
checkpoint on Saturday night, Tor Wennesland, the UN envoy for the Middle
East “peace process,” issued a statement
that he was “alarmed by the deteriorating security situation” and calling
for “calm.”

UN Envoy @TWennesland <https://twitter.com/TWennesland?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>:
The mounting violence in o. West Bank is fueling a climate of fear, hatred
& anger. Crucial 2 reduce tensions immediately to open the space for
crucial initiatives aimed at establishing a viable political horizon.
Full statement👇
🔗https://t.co/f2UllORPg9 pic.twitter.com/5BeR25E5R9
— UNSCO (@UNSCO_MEPP) October 8, 2022

In language crafted to avoid directly blaming the occupying power,
Wennesland observed that “Since the beginning of the year, at least 100
Palestinians have been killed, including children, amid a significant
increase in Israeli military operations in the occupied West Bank.”

Wennesland added that “During the same period, 16 Israelis have been killed
inside Israel in a wave of terrorist attacks by Palestinians and Israeli

Notably, Wennesland characterizes Israel’s systematic killing of
Palestinians in the West Bank as occurring “amid” what he describes as
“military operations” – obscuring how Israel regularly attacks,
collectively punishes and terrorizes civilians in the context of
occupation, settler-colonization and the enforcement of a system of

Meanwhile, he describes killings of Israelis by Palestinians, including
of members of paramilitary forces, as “terrorist attacks.”

This aversion to holding Israel accountable also extended to UNICEF. The
United Nations children’s agency noted in a tweet that “two Palestinian
children, 14 and 17, were killed in the West Bank” on Friday, but omitted
to mention that Israeli forces killed them.

Last night, 2 Palestinian children, 14 and 17, were killed in the #WestBank
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/Children?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> are
entitled to special protection and all their human rights, incl. the right
to life & to be protected from all forms of violence. All children must be
allowed to grow in a safe environment.
— UNICEF Palestine (@UNICEFpalestine) October 8, 2022

At least 26 Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli occupation
forces or settlers in the West Bank so far this year.

*Ali Abunimah contributed reporting.*
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