[News] Israel fears emergence of 'Black Cave heirs of Lions' Den' November 23, 2022 image.png

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Wed Nov 23 14:42:11 EST 2022

Israel fears emergence of 'Black Cave heirs of Lions' Den'
November 23, 2022
[image: image.png]

Military circles in Israel have started to talk about what they are calling
"the heirs of the Lions' Den" with the emergence of a group known as "Black
Cave". This is one of the groups that have emerged in the occupied West
Bank to carry out commando operations against the Israeli occupation army
and illegal settlers. The belief in Israel is that more young Palestinians
will join the latest group.

"Ever since the Lions' Den was dealt severe blows by the army and security
services," explained Amir Bukhbutt, the military correspondent for *Walla*
website, "many copycat groups have appeared throughout the West Bank, one
of which calls itself the Black Cave. According to many sources, it uses
the Lions' Den's Telegram account, which has become very popular among

In a report translated by *Arabi21*, he added: "Sources in the Israeli army
have warned in recent months that more armed groups and cells will follow
the Lions' Den group and it seems that the Black Cave group is one of the
many that include fighters who spread in the Palestinian street,
specifically in Jenin, Tulkarem and Nablus in recent weeks. So far, none of
them have reached the level reached by the Lions' Den, both in terms of
gaining popularity or by carrying out a large number of attacks."

Yesterday it was the Lions' Den, and tomorrow it may be another name,
Bukhbutt pointed out. "The Israeli security agencies need to work against
this phenomenon that is emerging throughout the West Bank."

*OPINION: We need a political Lions' Den like the military Lions' Den

The Lions' Den groups have recently faced a series of Israeli
countermeasures, including arrests and killings. A senior Israeli military
official claimed that, "Hamas leaders are the ones who paid the Lions' Den,
and they have one goal, which is to destabilise the West Bank through those

It is no secret that the Lions' Den became a challenge for the occupation
forces, even after changing its name, in terms of attracting support from
the Palestinian public and with more young men joining its ranks. This
further confused the occupation authorities, as these groups do not belong
to a specific faction, nor do they follow a specific ideology. Their
operations pose a major threat to Israel's military occupation.

The prevailing Israeli evaluation today is that the occupation state is
facing a multi-faceted phenomenon that has become a security threat and is
thus a prelude to deep military operations in the Palestinian arena. Above
all else, these groups influence the younger Palestinian generation, which
has unique characteristics. Most of the fighters were born in 2000 or
after, meaning that their memories are relatively limited regarding the
Second Intifada, but they remember the knife uprising of 2015. They now
carry firearms, and despite their limited number, they have great influence
on the Palestinian streets.
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