[News] COP27: The Truth Behind Israel’s Greenwashing Delegation

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*COP27: The Truth Behind Israel’s Greenwashing Delegation *
21 November 2022
Prior to the start of the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP27), which 
took place in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, between 6 and 18 November, the 
Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs promoted the official delegation it 
will send to COP27, boasting that this is the State’s “most significant 
participation since international conferences on this topic began.” The 
Israeli delegation 
included the President of Israel, senior officials of various ministers, 
Zionist parastatal institutions like the Jewish National Fund, civil 
society, academics, senior officials of the private sector, and 
entrepreneurs. This year, Israel 
built its first national pavilion at COP, promoting 10 climate tech 
companies and hosting more than 30 events.

The delegation weaponised Israel’s long-used greenwashing strategy, 
boasting about the country’s “leading role” in climate tech and 
innovation toward climate change mitigation and adaptation, in areas 
such as renewable energy, gas, water desalination and reuse, 
afforestation, and alternative proteins.

Such a narrative showcases Israel as ‘environmentally-friendly’, in 
order to normalize and deflect its climate apartheid and environmental 
destruction against the Palestinian people, their land and their natural 
resources. The greenwashing narrative also conceals how Israel’s 
settler-colonial and apartheid regime, and prolonged belligerent 
occupation actually reinforces Palestinians’ climate vulnerability.

Israel’s greenwashing discourse 
has its foundation in the Zionist settler-colonial and racist logic that 
Zionists are “more advanced and civilised” to develop the land of 
Palestine than its indigenous Palestinian people, and that they came to 
Palestine to “make the desert bloom”. At an event 
titled, “Water reuse to address climate challenges” at the Israeli 
Pavilion at COP27, the Israeli Minister of Environmental Protection, 
utilised this narrative, boasting about Israel’s leading role in water 
desalination and reuse, underlying that “/we have established the state 
of Israel in the middle of the desert. We suffered from water scarcity 
since the beginning…. We came up with the solution.”/

*What is Behind Israel’s Eco-Friendly Discourse and “Solutions”?*

 1. Land and Natural Resources Appropriation

Israel’s greenwashing strategy puts a blind eye to its direct violation 
of Palestinians’ ability to develop self-determined resilience 
strategies of mitigation and adaptation to the climate crisis 
under its system of settler-colonialism, apartheid and prolonged 
occupation. This is specifically due to Israel’s policies of 
fragmentation, the blockade of the Gaza Strip, the denial of the 
peoples’ collective right to self-determination, development and the 
appropriation, exploitation and degradation of Palestinian land and 
natural resources. This has been effected 
through the exploitation of land, water, natural gas and oil, quarrying, 
extracting dead sea minerals, as well as depleting Palestinians’ 
non-renewable and finite resources.
Specifically vulnerable to increased climate hazards are Palestinian 
communities whose livelihood mostly relies on access to and exploitation 
of their land and natural wealth, such as farming, herding and Bedouin 
communities. Around two million Palestinians living under a 14-year-old 
illegal blockade and closure in the Gaza Strip are also exposed to 
increased risks to climate related hazards such as water scarcity, and 
food insecurity. Around 97 percent 
of Gaza water is undrinkable, and over 60 percent of Gaza households are 
food insecure 
Implementation of mitigation and adaptation strategies is dependent 
on the Palestinian people’s ability to access and develop their land and 
natural resources in a sovereign and free manner, which is part of their 
inalienable right to self-determination.

 2. Climate Apartheid

In addition to Israel’s occupation and apartheid regime’s impacts on 
Palestinians’ climate vulnerability, there are many Israeli policies and 
activities which leave direct environmental injustice impacts over 
Palestinians, including:

 1. Illegal settlements have many negative impacts on both the
    environment and the human rights of nearby Palestinian communities.
    In industrial and agricultural settlements, corporations including
    chemical factories and companies
    operate without or with very low consideration to any environmental
    law, including the Israeli law, causing contamination of the
    surrounding air, soil and water.
 2. Many illegal Israeli settlements do not have proper waste treatment
    facilities, discharging
    a large amount of untreated sewage into Palestinian streams,
    valleys, and onto agricultural land. This implicates the destruction
    of the soil and changing its biological composition, implicating the
    death of trees and crops, as well as disease spread and extinction
    to Palestinian livestock and wildlife.
 3. Israel appropriates Palestinian land in the occupied Palestinian
    territory (OPT) as landfills for its waste. Israel, the Occupying
    Power illegally transports
    waste, including hazardous
    waste, into 15 Israeli waste facilities in the occupied West Bank.
    Moreover, illegal settlers’ solid waste, which is twice as more
    solid waste per capita than Palestinians, is mostly dumped
    in landfills in the West Bank. This is combined with the inability
    of Palestinians to develop climate-resilient infrastructure,
    including waste infrastructure, because of Israel’s apartheid and
    occupation and the associated policies and activities. All these
    climate apartheid practices and policies contaminate the air and
    pose health risks to nearby Palestinian
 4. The quarrying industry in the OPT, not only contributes to the
    violation of the Palestinian right to self-determination and to
    permanent sovereignty, it further benefits from the appropriation of
    Palestinian property, and the pillage of Palestinian natural
    resources. Further, it depletes non-renewable and finite resources
    of the protected population, which may amount to the war crime of
    destruction of natural resources and environmental destruction
    The resulting clouds of dust and pollution from the quarries, which
    do not abide by any environmental law, cause damage to the nearby
    Palestinian residents’ rights to land, landscape and environment.
 5. Another form of environmental destruction is caused by Israel’s
    targeting of Palestinian civilian property and infrastructure as
    part of its widespread and systematic demolition policy in the West
    Bank and successive military offensives in the Gaza Stip. For
    example, during Israel’s May 2021 military offensive on the Gaza
    Strip, Israel targeted with live bullets and artillery shells the
    main waste dump
    of Gaza city triggering a major health and environmental crisis.
    Another attack during the May 2021 military offensive, which caused
    catastrophic environmental damages included Israel’s targeted attack
    and destruction of the Khudair Warehouse. The Khudair Warehouse
    housed over 50 percent of agricultural supplies within the Gaza
    Strip. The attack on the chemical warehouse, created a chemical
    cloud that spread chemical waste over the people and environment of
    Gaza, poisoning the population. As the Israeli attack targeted with
    knowledge a chemical warehouse with chemical contents, it may
    constitute an indirect chemical weapon, which is prohibited under
    international treaty and customary law.[1] <#_ftn1>

*Conclusion: Decolonization, Social Justice, and Human Rights to Advance 
Climate Justice*

While the COP serves as an avenue to address the global climate crisis, 
many States have often employed the COP to boast about their 
environmentally friendly initiatives, turning a blind eye to their own 
regimes of colonialism, occupation, aggression, apartheid, and 
authoritarianism and how they reinforce social injustices, racial 
discrimination, and the denial of the people the exercise of their right 
to self-determination.

The struggle for climate justice cannot be separated from struggles to 
end all systems of alien domination, including colonialism, apartheid, 
and occupation. An intersectional 
approach to climate change-related challenges, should be adopted, to 
include self-determination, human rights, and social justice.

In Palestine, Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime and military 
occupation continues to deny the Palestinian people their inalienable 
right to self-determination, including their right to full sovereignty 
over their natural resources. In effect, the Palestinian people have 
been prevented from confronting the adverse effects of climate change 
Decolonizing Palestine, and ending the apartheid and occupation, as well 
as realizing the Palestinian peoples’ right to self-determination 
including their right to full sovereignty to their land and natural 
resources is the only sustainable solution for the Palestinian people to 
set and implement viable mitigation and adaptation strategies to climate 
[1] <#_ftnref1> Rule 74, ICRC customary International Humanitarian Law 
Database; Hague Declaration concerning Asphyxiating Gases, 1899; 
Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, 
Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, 
1925 (Geneva Gas Protocol); Chemical Weapons Convention, Article I; Rome 
Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article 8(2)(b)(xviii).

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