[News] Activist's Home in Hebron a 'Military Zone'

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Sat Nov 5 03:10:09 EDT 2022

Israel Declares Palestinian Activist's Home in Hebron a 'Military Zone'
November 4, 2022
Palestinian human rights activist Issa Amro. (Photo: via Twitter)

The Israeli army has declared the home of a prominent Palestinian human
rights activist Issa Amro a closed military zone, Israeli newspaper Haaretz

Nobody is allowed to enter Amro’s home or its surrounding areas in Hebron

The order was issued by Israeli army official Yehuda Yishai Rozolio,
according to Haaretz.

Amro recently set up an office for the Youth Against Settlements activist
group and had complained of repeated harassment and attacks by illegal
Jewish settlers.

His lawyer, Michael Sfard, requested a criminal investigation of Rozolio
over the order to bar anyone from entering, claiming that the commander was
abusing his authority, Haaretz said.

The Israeli military occupation informed me that my house ( @YASHebron
<https://twitter.com/YASHebron?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> center ) is closed for
another 24h, they will keep renewing it, I am now alone in the house , no
one is allowed to visit me. they closed the house in order to satisfy the
kahanists. pic.twitter.com/EKAKuk6YJb <https://t.co/EKAKuk6YJb>

— Issa Amro عيسى عمرو  (@Issaamro) November 1, 2022

A number of settler attacks have been caught on video and after approaching
the Hebron police three times, Amro was told each time there were no police
investigators to look into his complaints.

“They don’t want me to speak to foreign and Israeli audiences about the
apartheid and the Israeli occupation,” Amro told Haaretz.

He is now left alone in his house and is afraid to leave it due to threats
he has received.

*(The New Arab, PC, SOCIAL)*

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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