[News] Birzeit University Students Accuse Palestinian Authority of Political Detentions

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Wed Nov 2 21:54:30 EDT 2022

Birzeit University Students Accuse Palestinian Authority of Political
DetentionsNovember 2, 2022
A sit-in in front of Birzeit University. (File Photo: via Twitter)

Eight Palestinian students continue to be detained by the Palestinian
Authority after one was released on Monday, a source close to the students’
council at Birzeit University near Ramallah, told The New Arab.

The students’ council accuses the PA of arresting the students for
political reasons.

On Sunday, the students’ council released a statement announcing that the
PA security forces had arrested three students who are active in the
student movement.

“We, in the students’ council, refuse the injustice and arrogance that
deprives students of their right to a safe university life,” read the

On Sunday, dozens of Palestinians, including many students, demonstrated in
Ramallah against what they called ‘political detentions’ by the PA,
demanding the immediate release of the prisoners.

Meanwhile, a group of students continue to hold a sit-in inside Birzeit’s
campus, in protest of the PA’s detentions and demanding the immediate
release of those arrested.

The PA’s security forces haven’t made any public comments on the Birzeit
University students’ detentions.

*(The New Arab, PC, SOCIAL)*

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<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
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