[News] Lights Out for Elbit; Yet Another Action at Israeli Arms Firm London HQ

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue May 31 09:47:41 EDT 2022


Today, we've shut down 77 Kingsway, host to Elbit Systems, Israel's 
largest arms company, as part of the ongoing campaign to #ShutElbitDown. 
Four activists, two of whom are themselves from Palestine, have pulled 
the shutters on Elbit for the day after they secured themselves to the 
site entrance using a body lock-on, preventing worker-access. The 
headquarters plays an important role in facilitating Elbit's operations 
in Britain, and have been hit with direct action for the sixth time in 
two months.

In January, Palestine Action successfully shut down an Elbit factory in 
Oldham, Manchester. The success of the campaign has seemingly sparked a 
wave of repression inflicted on the group's activists, with numerous 
examples of violent responses from Elbit security, and most notably the 
case of the 9 activists who, after occupying the company's state of the 
art Bristol headquarters several weeks ago, were placed on remand and 

Two activists - Stavit Sinai and Ronnie Barkan (both foreign nationals) 
are still being held and await trial on June 15. A campaign for their 
release is ongoing. One of the duo, commenting on their imprisonment, 
stated: "The body might be incarcerated, but the soul is ever free". We 
commend the 'unbreakable spirit' of the two political prisoners, and we 
refuse to backdown to the crackdown!

The century plus campaign of terror and settler-colonialism inflicted on 
Palestinians is today enabled by Elbit Systems, Israel's largest arms 
company. For Palestine, the ongoing occupation is tantamount to a 
constant, bloody war. Drones crawl the skies, clouds of tear gas 
rain down, sprays of bullets are fired - ceaseless colonial violence 
backed by Elbit. We've struck at Elbit's London headquarters yet again, 
because whilst the British-backed military occupation continues, so do 
we. No more hollow promises for Palestine, only this promise for Elbit: 
Our activists and supporters will work day and night until we've shut 
you down for good

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