[News] Freedom Archives Summer 2022 Newsletter

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu May 26 13:53:59 EDT 2022

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*Summer 2022*

Dear Friends,

We hope this letter finds you healthy and engaged. In the months since 
our last letter we’ve been busy unpacking boxes, hanging posters, 
filling our movable shelves with paper and audio materials, and settling 
into our new building. Thus far we couldn’t be happier – the new space 
has allowed us to revisit best practices around preserving what we have, 
and accept new donations with the knowledge and confidence that we have 
room to imagine and grow. This new energy has been nourished by all of 
our friends, comrades and supporters who have come by and visited, it’s 
your support that made this possible so we find great enjoyment in 
sharing this major accomplishment with you!

Although we’ve been primarily focused on settling in, as always we’ve 
been hard at work. Since the beginning of March we’ve been open to 
researchers and assisted folks working on projects about the 
International Hotel, the US based Iranian student movement and Dessie 
Woods, a Black mother who was put on trial and convicted by the state of 
Georgia in the mid-1970s for killing a white man in Georgia with his own 
gun when he tried to rape her. The campaign to free Dessie Woods united 
numerous forces on the Left around Black liberation, opposition to 
gender based violence and the right to self-defense.

We also recently hosted a UC Berkeley Performance Studies class to 
discuss methodology and the cultural relevance of archives.

/“A very memorable visit to the archives! Just want to say thank you and 
how much the experience is still with us and will no doubt shape the 
research to come. We had an amazing time, and learned from you all as 
activist-archivists as much as from the materials that each of us were 
able to look at in person. Adelante and happy May Day!!” /

- UC Berkeley Methods 202 Class

Your Donation Means So Much to Us
Thanks for your Support!! <http://freedomarchives.org/donation/>



*Casa Corretjer Visit*

We pulled together some of our holdings on Puerto Rican independentistas 
Juan Antonio and Consuelo Lee Corretjer in this visual finding aid and 
shared it with Casa Corretjer in Ciales during Claude’s recent visit to 
Puerto Rico to show our support for the preservation of their legacy.

Check Out the Visual Finding Aid 


*Art Against Imprisonment: Commemorating Palestinian Prisoners Day*

We continued our Palestinian solidarity work with Art Against 
Imprisonment by co-organizing a Palestine Prisoner's Day event.

View the Palestinian Prisoner's Day Event Recording 



Image: Milena Ansari of Addameer speaking at Eastside Arts Alliance


*Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association*

We assisted in organizing a Bay Area tour with Addameer Prisoner Support 
and Human Rights Association. Take action to stand in solidarity with 
Palestinian human rights defenders.

Support the #StandWithThe6 Campaign <https://palcivilsociety.com/>


*Community in History Conference*

Nathaniel presented a talk entitled /Documenting Activism to Empower 
Communities / during the Community in History Conference hosted by the 
Stanford Historical Society and the Stanford Archives.


Image: Documenting Activism panel with Micah Lubensky, Nathaniel Moore, 
and Jim Eagle


Image: Cover, /The Incredible Rocky/by Joel Andreas (1973)


*From the Archives*

On more than a couple occasions this wonderfully informative and 
scathing comic book has come up in conversation. Written by Joel Andreas 
and published by NACLA (North American Congress on Latin America), The 
Incredible Rocky exposes and denounces the powerful Rockefeller Empire 
and its control of the US political sphere, banks, and media (and then 
Governor Nelson Rockefeller’s decision to murderously retake Attica 
Prison in 1971). Our holdings also include a two-part satiric radio 
program based on the comic, produced in spring 1974 with the San 
Francisco Mime Troupe. Of course, much has changed since the comic’s 
original release in 1973, but has it really?


Image: Our Production Studio

We’re looking forward to an exciting summer where we’ll continue 
participating in international collaborations, processing collections 
and resuming our internship program!

We deeply appreciate the ways you’ve helped us build a strong foundation 
for a vibrant future, continually growing our educational resources, and 
participating in ongoing struggles for justice and freedom.

We always welcome your comments and suggestions. Your donation helps us 
amplify our efforts and impact – please support our work by sending us a 
check or by giving online.

Your Donation Means So Much to Us
Thanks for your Support!! <http://freedomarchives.org/donation/>

In gratitude,

I'm an image

I'm an image

I'm an image

Claude, Nathaniel, and Danielle

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