[News] Jenin fiercely resists Israel's constant attacks

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Sun May 22 11:17:42 EDT 2022

Jenin fiercely resists Israel's constant attacks
Ahmed Ibrahim - May 21, 2022
[image: People inspect a damaged house with smoke-stained walls]

Palestinians inspect a house that was burnt during an Israeli military raid
in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on 13 May 2022.
APA images

A Palestinian teenager was killed
by Israeli troops in Jenin early Saturday morning.

Palestinian health authorities identified him as Amjad Walid al-Fayed, 17
years old.

The Palestinian resistance group Islamic Jihad said
<https://saraya.ps/post/63734/> their member was killed in an exchange of
fire between Palestinian resistance fighters and Israeli occupation forces
during an Israeli invasion of the northern West Bank city.

Hundreds of people turned out for al-Fayed’s funeral on Saturday.

— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) May 21, 2022

صور| تغطية صحفية: "تشييع جثمان الفتى أمجد الفايد الذي ارتقى برصاص الاحتلال
في جنين". pic.twitter.com/kNR11vK7Zt <https://t.co/kNR11vK7Zt>
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) May 21, 2022

A second teen was seriously injured when Israeli forces shot him in the

Islamic Jihad said al-Fayed was related to two Palestinian resistance
militants who fought against Israeli occupation troops during their
invasion of Jenin in April 2002.

Twenty years ago, his uncles, Amjad and Muhammad al-Fayed, were allegedly
involved in an ambush
<https://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/meast/04/09/mideast.jenin/index.html> that
killed 13 Israeli soldiers.

In April 2002, the Israeli military massacred at least 52 Palestinians and
injured scores of others in Jenin refugee camp, according to a report
by the United Nations secretary-general at the time.

Israeli forces also shelled 150 buildings, leaving 450 families homeless.
According to the report, 23 Israeli soldiers were dead by the end of the
Child as human shield

Last week, Israeli soldiers used a Palestinian teenage girl as a human
shield during a firefight with Palestinian gunmen in Jenin.

The Israeli military besieged the house of Ahed Mohammad Rida Mereb in
Jenin’s al-Hadaf neighborhood at 6 am on 13 May in order to arrest her
20-year-old brother.

After ordering Ahed’s parents and younger brothers out of the house, the
Israeli army opened fire at the house where her brother remained. Her
brother retaliated by shooting at the Israeli troops, according
to a field investigation by Defense for Children International-Palestine.

NEW: Israeli soldiers forced Ahed, 16, to stand in front of their military
vehicle for two hours as Palestinian gunmen shot heavily toward the Israeli
forces’ position. Ahed was later hospitalized for intense mental stress and
a severe lack of oxygen. https://t.co/VwZrRBtqZw
— Defense for Children (@DCIPalestine) May 19, 2022

Two hours later, Palestinian resistance fighters began firing heavily at an
Israeli military vehicle.

Soldiers forced Ahed to stand outside the military vehicle for two hours
while they sat inside exchanging fire with Palestinian gunmen.

“Bullets were being fired at the military vehicle from all directions,”
Ahed told DCIP.

“I was trembling and crying and shouting to the soldiers to remove me
because the bullets were passing over my head,” Ahed added.

“But one of them ordered me in Arabic through a small window in the
military vehicle, ‘stay where you are and don’t move. You’re a terrorist.
Stand in your place until you say goodbye to your brother.’”

“Ahed tried to tilt her head to the side to dodge the bullets, but one of
the Israeli soldiers ordered her to stand up straight,” DCIP stated.

She was forced to remain there for two hours before running near a tree and
collapsing. She was treated at the hospital for severe mental distress and
low oxygen levels.

After evacuating Ahed’s house, where she lived with her extended family,
including eight children, Israeli forces bombed the house with
rocket-propelled grenades, causing it to catch fire, and then attacked it
with live ammunition.
Resistance in Jenin

In recent weeks, the Israeli military has intensified its attacks in Jenin
as resistance in its refugee camp has grown more defiant.

Israeli forces invaded Jenin refugee camp and the nearby town of Burqin on
13 May, as it has been doing on a nearly daily basis, wounding more than a
dozen Palestinians and making arrests.

One Israeli officer was killed
by Palestinian resistance fighters in Burqin that day.

Israeli forces sought to arrest Palestinian militant Mahmoud al-Dubai.
Israeli troops surrounded his home and ordered him to surrender himself.

Following an hours-long exchange of fire between al-Dubai and Israeli
occupation forces, which reportedly
<https://twitter.com/Alaqsavoice/status/1525008660488929281> included
Israeli forces firing Energa anti-tank rifle grenades at his house,
al-Dubai was arrested.

فيديو يوضح اشتعال النيران في منزل عائلة الدبعي بـ #مخيم_جنين
إثر استهدافه بقذائف قوات الاحتلال pic.twitter.com/3R5uPg2EhT
— عربي بوست (@arabic_post) May 13, 2022

“The amount of gunfire aimed at us was indescribable, thousands of
bullets,” an unnamed “senior officer” was quoted
<https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/327510> as saying by *Arutz Sheva*,
a publication supporting Israel’s settlement activities in the West Bank.

“I have been in the army for more than 20 years and I have never seen
anything like it.”

In an effort to find new ways to thwart resistance, Israel is considering a
return to the use of air raids against the camp – a method of repression
the West Bank has not seen since the second intifada two decades ago.

“Helicopters and drones may be used to secure ground troops through the use
of deterrent fire and possibly shoot at armed combatants,” the Tel Aviv
daily *Haaretz* reported
Brothers of prisoners killed

Meanwhile, the brother of one of six Palestinians who last September escaped
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/gilboa-prison-break> from one of
Israel’s most fortified prisons has died after being shot by Israeli
occupation forces in Jenin.

During the fighting in Jenin on 13 May, Israeli forces shot
Daoud Zubaidi. He was a brother of Zakaria Zubeidi, the most well-known
prisoner who escaped in September.

Zakaria Zubeidi is a former commander of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, a
Fatah-affiliated militia.

Daoud was transferred to the Rambam Hospital in Haifa, where he died on 15

The far-right Israeli politician Itamar Ben-Gvir visited that hospital
shortly before Daoud Zubeidi’s death was announced.

Ben-Gvir called for
Daoud Zubeidi to be executed.

“This terrorist along with other terrorists should be sent to the electric
chair,” Ben-Gvir said in a video.

“Whoever shoots in the direction of our soldiers, whoever tries to kill
should not receive treatment or coddling in a hospital. They need to
receive death in the electric chair.”

The killing
of Daoud Zubaidi brings to 228 the number of Palestinians who have died
while in Israeli detention. Israel is still withholding his body and
refusing to hand it over to his family.

The Palestinian Prisoners Club said Israeli forces fired at him with the
aim of “liquidating” him.

The brother of another escaped prisoner died in fighting with Israeli
forces last month.

Shas Kamamji, 29, was killed
in Kafr Dan village on 14 April when Israeli forces opened fire at a crowd
of people throwing stones at military vehicles.

Kamamji was the brother of Ayham Kamamji, another one of the escapees from
Gilboa prison. The escape was viewed as a devastating blow
to the reputation of Israel’s security apparatus.

The prisoners remained at large for days and in some cases weeks before
being rearrested.
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