[News] Hamas-linked student bloc wins West Bank university election by landslide

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu May 19 12:35:42 EDT 2022

Hamas-linked student bloc wins West Bank university election by landslide
By Shatha Hammad in Ramallah, occupied Palesitne - May 19, 2022
[image: image.png]

A Hamas-affiliated bloc has won student elections at a leading West Bank
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/tags/west-bank> university despite arrests
and threatening text messages by the Israeli
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/countries/israel> army ahead of the vote.

The Islamic Wafa bloc scored a landslide victory with 5068 votes
in Ramallah's Birzeit University's elections on Wednesday, winning 28 seats
of 51 available.

'The message that we wanted to convey to the occupation army today, by
continuing the election process, is that its repression of students will
not pass and will not succeed'

*- Iyad Tomar, Dean of Student Affairs, Birzeit University*

It was followed by the "Shabiba" bloc - the student arm of the Palestinian
ruling party Fatah - which received 3379 votes and secured 18 seats. Fatah
used to dominate student councils in the West Bank.

In the last Birzeit election held in 2019, the Wafa and Shabiba blocs
scored 23 seats each.

Democratic Progressive Student Pole came out third, obtaining five seats
with a total of 888 votes, while the Progressive Student Union bloc and the
Student Union List did not get any seats.

The Birzeit University elections are considered as the bellwether of West
Bank politics. It's one of the most important political events in
Palestinian society, especially since the university is one of the largest
education institutions in the West Bank and maintains its independence from
the control of the Palestinian Authority.

The results of these elections are read as a reflection of wider
Palestinian society, its position on the PA, and voters' orientations in
any broader elections that may be held in the future.

Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for Elections and dean of student
affairs, Iyad Tomar, said the turnout reached 78.1 percent, with 9,782 out
of 12,521 students eligible to vote casting their ballots.

After the results were announced, eyewitnesses said Israeli security
services quickly blocked the entrances to the city of Ramallah, and
prevented students from reaching the city centre to celebrate the elections

They also prevented students from raising the flags of Hamas - which
governs Gaza, and forming a car rally, as the students have done in the

[image: Birzeit University officials say Wednesday's elections went as
planned, despite intimidation from the Israeli authorities (Shatha
Birzeit University officials say Wednesday's elections went as planned,
despite intimidation from the Israeli authorities (Birzeit University)

[image: image.gif]Hamas praised the results as "a rejection of
normalisation" and "security coordination," in a reference to the Fatah-led
Palestinian Authority's ties with Israel.

Dr Fathi Hammad, a member of the group's political bureau, said "the
student movement has proven that (the youth) is the fuel to the revolution."
Arrests and threats

On Tuesday evening, Israeli special forces arrested seven Birzeit
University students while they were in a popular park in the village of
Dura Al-Qara, northeast of Ramallah.

The seven students all belonged to the Islamic bloc at Birzeit University,
the student arm of Hamas.

The arrest of the students by the army came a few hours after a student
debate was held at the university, and one day before the elections at
Birzeit University, the first held after two years of disruption due to
precautionary measures related to the coronavirus pandemic.


West Bank: Israeli forces storm Birzeit University, shoot and arrest

According to an eyewitness, a group of about 10 plainclothes men entered
the park and began attacking and arresting the young men. Minutes later,
soldiers in military uniform joined in and completed the operation.

The eyewitness said the Israeli officers beat the students, tied them up,
covered their eyes, and subjected them to field investigations.

Tasneem Hassan, sister of 21-year-old Abdul Majeed Hassan, told MEE that
her family began calling him after seeing on social media the arrest of
Birzeit University students. However he did not answer his phone, and about
an hour later, eyewitnesses confirmed that Hassan was among the seven
students arrested by the army.

About two months ago, Abdul Majeed was released from Israeli prison
following a year-long detention. This was the third arrest that Abdul
Majeed has been subjected to since he began studying at Birzeit University,
making him lag behind his peers in his studies, his family said.

"The arrest of Abdul Majeed is because of his union work at Birzeit
University and his affiliation with the Islamic bloc... We expected that
the occupation would re-arrest him, but we did not expect it that quickly,”
Tasneem said.

[image: Birzeit University officials announce the results of its latest
student elections on Wednesday, 19 May, 2022 (Shatha Hammad/MEE)]
Birzeit University officials announce the results of its latest student
elections on Wednesday, 19 May 2022 (Birzeit University)

[image: image.gif]The families of the arrested students expressed deep
concerns over the welfare of their sons, especially after hearing
eyewitness accounts that they had been assaulted and beaten during the

Tasnim said her family did not learn about the location of Abdul Majeed’s
arrest until the following afternoon, and the family accused the army of
hiding their son and the other students for long hours before revealing
their fate.

The students were being held in Ofer Prison and would be brought before the
Israeli military court on Thursday morning, the families learned.
Intimidation tactics

Prior to the elections, threatening messages had also been sent out to
several other Birzeit University students and their families, warning them
against participating in polls and claiming the measure violated Israeli

The messages also contained a threat against voting for the Islamic bloc,
according to social media posts.

The dean of student affairs at Birzeit University said he was keen on the
continuation of the electoral process and accused the occupation army of
interfering in the elections.


Birzeit: How Palestinian students became the next generation of resistance

Tomar told MEE that Birzeit University rejects and condemns the arrest of
the seven students, and stressed that the detentions are an attempt by the
army to obstruct the elections and put pressure on the university’s

The university's lawyer has been trying to follow up on the students’
condition since their arrest, however there’s been a great deal of
obstruction, leaving the students’ fate in the dark, according to Tomar.

He said he was not surprised by the latest arrest, as the Israeli army had
escalated its attacks on Birzeit University students through arrests and
summons, especially around the time of political events such as elections.

However, despite the Israeli army's attempts to obstruct the elections, the
university insisted that the elections had proceeded as planned. The polls
opened at 8am in the morning and remained open until 4.30pm before the
votes were counted.
Bellwether of West Bank politics

The elections are an important part of the political practice of
Palestinian students, said Tomar.

"The message that we wanted to convey to the occupation army today, by
continuing the election process, is that its repression of students will
not pass and will not succeed.”

With no general elections on the horizon in Palestine, some saw the campus
vote as "a test for measuring public opinion", said Birzeit's vice
president, Ghassan al-Khatib.

One analyst said the Birzeit polls were perceived as a type of bellwether
because the make-up of the student body was "seen as more representative of
Palestinian society".

"The fact that you have a democratic mechanism and the voter pool is seen
to be representative of Palestinian dynamics - that's why it matters," Hugh
Lovatt, senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations,
told AFP.

The general Palestinian population has not been to the polls since 2006.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas scrapped elections scheduled for last
year citing Israel's refusal to allow voting in Israeli-annexed east
Jerusalem, which Palestinians claim as their capital.

But Palestinian analysts said Abbas baulked out of fear that Hamas, which
controls the Gaza Strip, would also trounce Fatah across the West Bank.
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