[News] What Palestinians Had to Say About It : One Year Since the Unity Uprising

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed May 18 17:20:55 EDT 2022

Today marks one year since the General “dignity” Strike of 18 May 2021, 
which mobilised Palestinians across Palestine from the River to the Sea, 
and the circulation of the Dignity and Hope Manifesto by Palestinian 

read the full length of this email online 


Today marks one year since the General “dignity” Strike of 18 May 2021, 
which mobilised Palestinians across Palestine from the River to the Sea, 
and the circulation of the Dignity and Hope Manifesto 
by Palestinian activists. This month marks one year since what 
Palestinians are now calling the Unity Intifada. Since the events of 
last year, Palestinians continue to experience ever-increasing levels of 
repression, assaults and colonial violence by Israeli forces. 
Nonetheless, we continue steadfast in our fight for liberation with a 
strengthened desire and hope as a united Palestinian people. As our 
revolutionary path continues to evolve, we take a moment now to reflect 
back on this journey.

*Here is a compilation of reflections by Palestinians on what happened, 
where we stand now, and where we could go:*

*Defying colonial fragmentation and regaining ownership over our narrative:*

  * The Unity Uprising was led by young people across Palestine and in
    the diaspora, who overshadowed the failing political structures and
    factions in place: ”Youth were responding to Israeli oppression as
    well as to a crisis of representation within Palestinian politics,
    which lacks any avenues for real political participation.”**- wrote
    Akram Salhab & Dahoud Alghoul.
  * “Perhaps the greatest accomplishment thus far has been to
    demonstrate the actuality of liberation”, writes
    Hassan referring to the synchronised resistance efforts against
    Israel’s assaults on Jerusalem, besieged Gaza, and ‘48 Palestine.
  * The grassroots and digital mobilisation efforts defied decades of
    colonial fragmentation and subjugation. Yara Hawari writes
    are reclaiming a shared narrative and struggle from the Jordan River
    to the Mediterranean Sea.”
  * Palestinian youth raising the Palestine flag over their cities
    occupied in 1948 went viral
    declaring in a way that here too is a colonised land, erasing years
    of Israeli divide and conquer tactics.
  * Videos of Palestinian refugees in Jordan marching to the borders
    connect them with Palestine also went viral, a symbolic visual of
    them exercising their right of return using the hashtag
    #LetsMarchToTheBorders (originally in Arabic).
  * Palestinian youth took over social media platforms using hashtags
    including #SaveSheikhJarrah
    #SavesSilwan, #SaveBeita, ان_للنكبة_ان_لا_تستمر#, which soon
    gathered a large following online that directly uplifted the voices
    of Palestinians and events on the ground speaking louder than media.
  * Despite mass takedowns and censorship of their content on various
    digital  platforms, Palestinians found creative ways to bypass and
    trick the algorithms online
    using platforms like Tajawz
    encodes Arabic characters into unrecognisable words to break the
    process used by algorithms to flag and remove content.

*Palestinians from Jerusalem, the Galilee, Nablus, Yaffa, Haifa and 
Ramallah were organising themselves and **practicing**their rightful 
self-sovereignty as one united people:*

  * On 18 May, Palestinians between the Jordan River and the
    Mediterranean Sea called and participated in a general strike
    that came to be known as the Al-Karameh (dignity) strike.
  * A Palestine Economic Week
    also organised to strengthen the local Palestinian economy and end
    Israel’s capitalist chokehold, which has long pushed for
    Palestinians’ deprivation, dependence and reliance on its colonial
    economy for decades.
  * Palestinian civil society organised to also raise funds and
    organized a cooperative funds to support and release Palestinian
    detained by the Israeli police
  * Furthermore, Palestinian civil society activists united and wrote
    the first manifesto detailing our goals and vision of coming out of
    the Unity Uprising. They named it: The Dignity & Hope Manifesto


/The song "Inn Ann" was adopted as the anthem of the Unity Uprising/

*Under settler colonialism, uprooting indigenous populations is the 
norm, not the exception and remains a reality from 1948 to this very day:*

  * The Israeli settler-colonial regime has always vested itself in
    creating narratives that legalise and justify replacing indigenous
    narratives:“Be it through manufacturing ‘real-estate disputes’;
    demolishing homes built ‘without authorization’;[and] stealing lands
    by declaring them to be ‘military zones,’ ‘archaeological sites,’
    ‘environmentally protected,’ or ‘state-owned’”, writes
    Mohammed Al-Kurd.
  * While the Israeli High Court ruled to annul the expulsion orders of
    the Sheikh Jarrah, Karam Al-Jaoni families, allowing them to catch a
    breath momentarily, the families reminded us
    justice will not be served from occupation’s courts: ”The battle to
    solidify our rights in our lands and our homes is far from over”.
  * Yet, the Israeli regime did not stop the takeover of other parts of
    Sheikh Jarrah, continuing targeting more families, including
    displacing the Al-Salhiye family from their home
    the second time since 1948 and demolishing their family business.
  * As Safa Joudeh analysed in a thoughtful piece,
    "Gaza’s exceptional status is the actively planned outcome of a
    series of invoked regimes particular to the territory but rooted
    within a framework of Israeli colonial and occupation practices",
    and the Unity uprising has contributed to de-exceptionalize Gaza.
  * More Recently, Palestinians from Beita and Al-Naqab (Negev)
    resistance tactics and deployed energy drawn from the Unity
    uprising, to fight against the persisting and ongoing policies for
    their ethnic cleansing, and ongoing Nakba that has not stopped.
  * This is also the case of our people in Masafer Yatta, with the
    Israel High Court ruling this May 2022 to forcibly expel thousands
    of Palestinian families from
    area in the south Hebron Hills, greenlighting the largest single
    expulsion of Palestinians since 1967.

*Despite the narrative shifting, aggression and violence against 
Palestinians continues and Israel’s colonial subjugation will remain so 
long as it continues to enjoy impunity:*

  * Months after the Uprising, Israel criminalizedleading Palestinian
    Zena Agha writes that: ”The effective criminalization of Palestinian
    institutions and the expansion of the settlements are two sides of
    the same coin.” Further explaining that the ultimate goal is to
    repress dissent against those who expose its human rights
    violations, obstruct its colonial expansion and push for
  * Since the start of 2022, Israel’s relentless violence has continued,
    in almost complete mainstream media blackout, assassinating more
    than 45 Palestinians on both sides of the green line
  * Furthermore, the Jenin refugee camp continued to resist
    while the Israeli occupation forces invaded the camp once again and
    imposed a siege on its people as a form of collective punishment for
    their steadfastness against the generations-long brutal occupation.
  * The Israeli occupation forces invaded Al-Haram Al-Sharif in Ramadan,
    during the Fajer (dawn) prayer, assaulting worshippers
    and desecrating al-Aqsa mosque on full display.
  * The besieged Gaza was also bombarded, yet again: “Wounds from May
    2021 haven’t fully healed yet in Palestine. Families still mourn
    their dead, homes that were reduced to rubble haven’t been rebuilt,
    and children are still traumatised by what they saw. The scenes from
    Jerusalem today remind me of the lead-up to May 2021”, tweets
    Jehad Abu Salim.

*Media distortions and inaccurate representations continue to be 
integral in maintaining the status quo of Israel’s subjugation and 
oppression of Palestinians:*

  * “By neglecting to contextualise Israeli state violence, the media
    has given the Israeli government a free pass, enabling it to
    continue ethnically cleansing the Palestinian people with impunity.
    It is time for outlets to address the harm they have done.” Wrote
    Albast and Knar on the media blackout over Israel’s intensification
    of violence
    and killing of Palestinians during Ramadan.
  * Our team curated a Media Memo for journalists, reporters and media
    bridge the gap and ensure that Palestine stops being an exception to
    accurate, fair and ethical reporting.

As we reflect back on this anniversary, perhaps the most important 
takeaway from our Unity Intifada is the path forward that we are 
collectively envisioning for ourselves, and our persistent and continued 
revolution against oppression, colonial ruling and ongoing Nakba. Put 
beautifully by Amjad Iraqi, we end by sharing his words that capturethe 
most crucial lesson from our movement since May 

*“Another war or uprising may well be on the horizon. But a movement 
without resources is doomed to wither, and a struggle without direction 
is fated to be lost. We know that slogans aren’t enough: only a serious 
recalibration of power — through grassroots organising, government 
action, economic independence, media pressure, and more — can shift the 
tide against our colonial condition.”*

Even after more than seven decades of oppression, Palestinians continue 
to defy colonial fragmentation, insisting on regaining agency over our 
narrative, exercising our self-sovereignty, and creating historic 
moments that are made possible only by the persistence of our crucial 
advocacy on the ground and internationally to emancipate ourselves from 
Israel’s oppression. In doing so, Palestinians continue to embody 
liberation, determined to lead strategically and in unity.

Haneen Kinani,

International Advocacy Officer


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The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy
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Palestine (State of)
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