[News] ‘We Will Not Forget’: Palestinians Commemorate Land Day in Gaza

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Thu Mar 31 07:53:43 EDT 2022

‘We Will Not Forget’: Palestinians Commemorate Land Day in Gaza
March 31, 2022
Palestinians commemorate Land Day in Gaza. (Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour, The
Palestine Chronicle)

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff

Palestinians in Gaza participated in a rally marking the 46th anniversary
of Palestinian Land Day near the fishermen’s port in Gaza City.

Land Day, celebrated on March 30 each year, is a crucial date in the
Palestinian collective memory. It dates back to 1976 when six Palestinians
were killed by the Israeli army during demonstrations staged against
Israel’s confiscation of Palestinian land.


Every year, a variety of rallies and activities are scheduled across the
occupied Palestinian territories.

In Gaza, celebrations started a few days ago, with a rally near the fence
separating besieged Gaza from Israel.

On Tuesday, a massive rally was held at the fishermen’s port, in the
presence of Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip.


Palestinians also gathered in the streets waving Palestinian flags and
photos of political prisoners.

The Palestine Chronicle talked to one of the women about the importance of
this national celebration.

“On our Land Day, it is the duty of the Palestinian people to show our
strength and resist the occupation,” the woman said.


“Israelis believe that old Palestinians will forget their right of return
and that young people do not know the true value of freedom. But here we
are, old and young, all together, saying out loud that we shall return to
our home. And that, despite the hardship and suffering we have to endure
every day, we will fight for freedom and liberate our occupied homeland.”

Land Day represents an opportunity to commemorate the tragic events of 1976
but also to reiterate that Palestinians are still united in their struggle
for freedom and justice.

*(All Photos: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)*

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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