[News] Ecuador: Indigenous Movement and Government Sign Agreement

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Thu Jun 30 20:40:32 EDT 2022

Ecuador: Indigenous Movement and Government Sign AgreementJune 30, 2022

Representatives of Ecuador's indigenous movement signed Thursday a peace
agreement with the government of Guillermo Lasso, after 18 days of a
national strike, after reaching several agreements on priority issues to
advance the dialogue process.

As reported at a press conference held at the Ecuadorian Episcopal
Conference in Quito, the parties have reached the following agreements:

-. All governors must intensify control operations to prevent and eradicate
price speculation.

-. The national government declares the health system in an emergency.

-. Compensatory public policies will be promulgated for the rural and urban

-. The price of gasoline is reduced by US$15 cents per gallon. As a result
of this decision, the price of gasoline will be US$2.40 and the price of
diesel will be US$1.75.

-. The Lasso administration is committed to repealing Decree 95, which
reduced the State's participation in oil activities and promoted
international bidding processes for oil fields.

-. Authorities will reform Decree 151, which is related to mining activity
in protected environmental areas, intangible zones, archaeological zones,
and water sources. The reform is expected to include provisions to ensure
that communities are consulted before mining projects are implemented in
those territories.

-. The Lasso administration is committed to repealing the "State of
Emergency" as the situation in the territories involved begins to return to

-. Issues pending resolution will be dealt with in a dialogue process in
the next 90 days.

The minutes were signed by the president of the Confederation of Indigenous
Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), Leonidas Iza; of the Council of
Evangelical Indigenous Peoples and Organizations of Ecuador (Feine),
Eustaquio Tuala; and of the National Confederation of Peasant, Indigenous
and Black Organizations (Fenocin), Gary Espinoza; as well as the Minister
of Government, Francisco Jiménez.
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