[News] Despite the 202nd demolition since 2000, al-Araqib residents persist in rebuilding their village

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jun 7 14:35:59 EDT 2022

Despite the 202nd demolition since 2000, al-Araqib residents persist in
rebuilding their villageJune 7, 2022

Naqab desert/PNN/

The Israeli authorities today demolished al-Araqib village in the Naqab
desert in the south of Israel for the 202nd time since the year 2000 and
the sixth this year, according to reports. But every time the village is
demolished under the pretext of illegal construction, its Palestinian
residents return to the land and rebuild their homes in a clear rejection
of the Israeli attempt to dislodge them from the land where they lived for

Israeli forces raided the village this morning, said the reports, removed
its residents, mainly women, and children, by force, and proceeded to
demolish what the residents had rebuilt to shelter their families.

The unrecognized village of al-Araqib is home to 22 families, numbering
about 800 people, living off raising livestock and farming.

In the 1970s, residents were able to prove through legal means their right
to own 1,250 dunums of land out of thousands of dunums in the area of
Al-Araqib. Yet, they have not been allowed to live in their village in

The Naqab desert is home to over 240,000 Palestinian Bedouins, most of them
live in villages and communities not recognized by the Israeli authorities
and therefore lack basic humanitarian services such as electricity and
water networks, roads, schools, and health centers. Their residents are
under constant threat of being forcibly removed and relocated and their
homes demolished.

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