[News] Open Letter in US Newspaper Calls For Cuba Policy Change

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Sat Jun 4 14:52:52 EDT 2022

Open Letter in US Newspaper Calls For Cuba Policy ChangeJune 4, 2022

“Let Cuba Live!” expressed in the letter voters and interested persons from
the San Francisco Bay area addressed to the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, California Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

Among the signatories are the distinguished professor emeritus and writer
Angela Davis; San Francisco Oversight Board Chairman Shamann Walton; Gayle
McLaughlin, former Mayor of the City of Richmond and Poet Laureate Togo

In the letter paid for by the Bay Area Cuba Saving Lives Committee, they
ask Pelosi, who will seek reelection in the midterm elections next
November, to consider that it is time to forge a new path in relations
between the two countries.

“We urgently and publicly appeal to you (Pelosi), a representative elected
from San Francisco so that, in your capacity as national leader, to urge
Biden to reverse the 243 coercive measures that the Trump administration
(2017-2021) added to the long-standing blockade imposed by the United
States", the letter read.

Another segment reminded the Speaker of the House that the Democratic Party
Platform of 2020 demanded the relaxation of that unilateral fence on the
island and the campaign of the then candidate revolved around this issue.
However, “the Biden administration has kept Trump’s policy in force almost
in its entirety, even during the epidemic that hit the planet.”

The signatories note they are encouraged by “the fact that on May 16, 2022,
the administration has taken three limited steps toward ending Trump’s
policies.” With a stroke of the pen –they insist-, Biden could right now
sign an executive order and reverse all the measures imposed by his

The letter emphasized that in July 2020, following the call launched by the
Campaign to Save Lives, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors made that
city the first major city in the United States to unanimously pass a
resolution in favor of medical cooperation with Cuba. In addition, it
demanded the lifting of economic sanctions and the travel ban.

In spite of the cruel #US
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/US?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>���� blockade,
#Cuba <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Cuba?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>����
sends medical brigades to 22 countries
������������������������������������������������������������������������ &
over 1200 doctors & nurses to help them fight #COVID19Pandemic
The world needs international solidarity & cooperation, not sanctions, war
or unilateralism! pic.twitter.com/KP3nPQit2v <https://t.co/KP3nPQit2v>
— JuanM (@juanmglez2006) April 26, 2020

Other similar resolutions were endorsed in Berkeley, Oakland, Richmond,
Santa Cruz and Sacramento, for a total of 48 national jurisdictions.

The letter signatories believed that the most recent decision by the White
House to exclude Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua from the Summit of the
Americas to be held in Los Angeles from June 6 to 10 “is a step backwards
that must be reversed immediately.” At the same time, they urged the United
States to stop its attempts to provoke “regime change” in the largest of
the Antilles.
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