[News] Palestine Action Double Taps Elbit's Operations With Protest and Rooftop Occupation

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Feb 28 11:17:28 EST 2022

palestineaction.org <https://www.palestineaction.org/double-down/>

  Double Down: Palestine Action’s Tactics Intensify With Occupation and
  Local Support in Staffordshire

Name *
5-6 minutes


  * *In a joint attack on Elbit Systems, two locations in
    Staffordshire have been targeted by Palestine Action activists, this
  * *Elite KL, in Tamworth, has been occupied by several activists since
    2.30PM this afternoon, whose aim is to dismantle the factory known
    for manufacturing drone components for Elbit Systems.*
  * *Meanwhile, protesters from the local community have descended
    upon UAV Engines, in Shenstone, to draw attention to UAV’s role in
    fabricating weapons of war.*

With police stationed outside intending to protect the site from 
protesters, activists have stormed, occupied and are currently 
dismantling Elite KL’s property, as part of their demand for an end to 
British complicity in Israeli apartheid. As war and oppression 
continue across the globe, we continue our stance against Britain’s role 
in war, violence & militarism.

Today’s action marks the *fourth *time Palestine Action have occupied 
Elite KL’s site, since February 2021. Despite significantly heightened 
security, as a result of our campaigns against Elite, activists evaded 
police cars and security, climbing onto the roof of the premesis and 
have smashed windows, removed roof panels, sprayed our signature red 
paint and attempted to cause damage to the machinery inside the 
building. As with all our occupations, the aim is to disrupt the flow of 
weapons to Israel.

Elite KL and its sister company Elbit-Kinetics produce components that 
are essential for Elbits supply chain to Israel’s occupation, such as 
military vests and systems required for the functioning of Israeli made 
Merkava 4 battle tanks, marketed as maintaining “combat experience” 
against Palestinians in Gaza.

In Shenstone, UAV Systems Ltd – who recently sent a pitiful letter 
filled with lies which can be disproved with a simple google of their 
operations to Shenstone locals. Deceitfully undermining their role in 
the Israeli weapons trade – are being targeted by civilian protesters 
who want the business out of their community. This comes after a 
relentless direct action campaign in Oldham forced Elbit Ferranti to 
shut down for good, as locals and other solidarity groups persisted in 
plaguing the business.

As an Elbit subsidiary, UAV Engines has been in Palestine Action’s scope 
since the direct action initiative launced in July 2020. During 2021, 
activists shut the site five times in five months. UAV Engines 
manufacture engines and parts for Elbit’s drones, including the 
/Hermes/, which Elbit describes as the ‘backbone’ of Israel’s drone fleet.

Today’s actions are the latest in our mission to #ShutElbitDown, with 
activists throughout the country putting their liberties on the line in 
solidarity with the Palestinian people. This sustained action is 
disrupting the manufacturing of munitions and machinery used to repress, 
murder, and surveil civilians in Palestine, ensuring that this mass 
suffering is not facilitated with British-made weapons. Palestine Action 
have cost incalculable millions to the profiteers of war crimes. Direct 
action will continue until Elbit is permanently shut down.


If you would like any further information on Palestine action, please 
contact info at palestineaction.org

Palestine Action is a direct-action network of groups and individuals 
formed with the mandate of taking direct action against Elbit Systems’ 
UK locations at grassroots level, calling for them all to be shut down 
and for the British government to end its complicity in Israeli apartheid.


Company profile on Elbit Systems, including quote by Israeli military 
general: https://whoprofits.org/company/elbit-systems/

Role of Elbit drone in killing of four children paying on Gaza beach in 

More on the death and destruction inflicted by Elbit’s drones upon Gaza: 

Elbit surveillance technology for Israel’s apartheid wall: 

UK Ministry of Defence signs £102 million contract with Elbit Systems UK 
for “sensor-to-shoot” system: 



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