[News] 2022 was the deadliest year in the West Bank since Second Intifada

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Sat Dec 31 12:10:37 EST 2022

2022 was the deadliest year in the West Bank since Second Intifada
By Huthifa Fayyad - December 31, 2022

Israeli <https://www.middleeasteye.net/countries/israel> forces have killed
more Palestinians <https://www.middleeasteye.net/countries/palestine> in
the occupied <https://www.middleeasteye.net/topics/occupation> West Bank in
2022 than they have in a single calendar year since the Second Intifada
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsjCdBIsNHQ>, according to data compiled
by Middle East Eye.

At least 220 people have died in Israeli attacks across the occupied
territories, including 48 children. Of the total death toll, 167 were from
the West Bank and East Jerusalem and 53 were from the Gaza Strip.

An additional five Palestinian citizens of Israel have been killed in the
same period.

The renewed Israeli violence comes as the military increases operations in
the West Bank and Palestinian armed resistance makes a resurgence.

In at least five cases, settlers were suspected of killing Palestinians
while the army is responsible for the overwhelming majority of deaths.

According to UN data <https://www.ochaopt.org/poc/6-19-december-2022>,
nearly 9,500 Palestinians from the West Bank have been wounded in the same

Meanwhile, Palestinians have killed at least 29 Israelis, including one
child, the highest death toll since 2008.

The death tolls of 2022 make it the most violent year in the West Bank
since 2005, the year many consider the end of the Second Intifada.

Back then, Palestinian armed resistance in the West Bank was stifled under
the leadership of the Palestine Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

However, the PA's security control of certain areas in the West Bank has
been challenged in 2022, with the emergence of two semi-organised armed
groups, the Jenin Battalion and the Lions' Den
in Nablus.

The increase in violence by Israeli forces has raised concern among many
international and regional states.

Earlier this month, UN experts condemned
Israel for the record violence and warned that next year could witness a
higher number of casualties.

"Unless Israeli forces abandon this dominant settler mindset and rightfully
treat Palestinians in the occupied territory as protected persons, Israel's
deplorable record in the occupied West Bank will likely deteriorate further
in 2023," they said.
Unarmed civilians

According to MEE's analysis, the majority of Palestinian casualties were
likely unarmed at the time of their death.

In at least 95 cases, Palestinians were shot by Israeli soldiers as
bystanders during army raids or while participating in anti-occupation

In most cases, the Israeli army made near-identical statements claiming
that its forces responded with fire to rocks or explosive devices being
hurled at them. It often says "hits were identified" without providing
further details.

Nearly 21 fighters were killed during armed clashes with Israeli soldiers.
An additional 20 people were killed in such raids but it was unclear
whether they had participated in the fire exchanges or if they were unarmed.

Another 22 were killed after alleged car ramming, shooting or stabbing
attacks against Israeli civilians and security forces. In some cases,
Palestinians have been fatally shot for allegedly "attempting" to carry out
such attacks.

The Israeli military, which rarely investigates the killing of Palestinians
by its troops, has been criticised
<https://www.btselem.org/firearms/20170420_2016_fatalities> by rights
groups for its "shoot-to-kill
policy even when Palestinians posed no danger to soldiers.

A recent report
by the Israeli rights group Yesh Din found that less than one percent of
soldiers accused of harming Palestinians between 2017-2021 were ever
charged with crimes.

The military law enforcement authorities "systematically avoid
investigating and prosecuting soldiers who harm Palestinians", the group

Investigations are sometimes conducted in high-profile cases and often
under international pressure, like in the case of Shireen Abu Akleh
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/topics/shireen-abu-akleh-killing>. The
Israeli army found "no suspicion that a criminal offence was committed" in
her case.

The veteran Al Jazeera reporter was one of two journalists who were killed
by the Israeli army, the other being 30-year-old Ghufran Harun Warasneh

Meanwhile, at least 52 teenagers were killed, 31 of them were under the age
of 18.

The youngest victim was seven-year-old Rayyan Sulaiman
who died from a heart attack after being chased by soldiers. The Israeli
army denied responsibility for his death.

Some of the minors killed in the violence include Mahmoud Mohammad Samoudi
12, who was shot during an Israeli raid on Jenin; Jana Majdi Zakarneh
15, who was shot twice in the face while playing with her cat on the
rooftop of her home; and Zaid Ghonaim
15, who was reportedly shot while hiding in a parking garage.

At least seven victims were women and girls, including Ghada Sabateen
47, a mother of six; Fulla Rasmi al-Masalma
15, who was killed a day before her birthday; and Hanan Khaddour
18, who was fatally shot while on her way home from school.

At least three people over 60 also died, including iconic peaceful
activist Suleiman
80, who was run over by an Israeli tow truck and Omar Mohammad Asaad
80, who died while in Israeli custody.
Uptick in resistance

One of the main drivers of violence in the West Bank is near-nightly
search-and-arrest operations conducted by the Israeli army in Palestinian
cities and towns, which often turn deadly.

According to UN data <https://www.ochaopt.org/poc/6-19-december-2022>,
3,437 such raids were conducted this year. More than 6,500 Palestinians
were arrested in that period, including 811 children, the Palestinian
Prisoner's Society said <https://www.ppsmo.ps/home/news/5076?culture=ar-SA>
earlier this month.

In March, Israel launched the "Break the Wave" military campaign, focused
on crushing armed Palestinian resistance that has seen a revival in the
West Bank.

According to figures provided by the Israeli army, there have been at least
285 shootings at Israeli targets - mainly army posts and checkpoints - by
Palestinians in 2022, compared to 61 in 2021, 31 in 2020 and 19 in 2019.

The Israeli death toll
in 2022 reached 29 according to MEE's count, including 17 who were killed
in five different shooting and stabbing attacks in cities inside Israel,
between March and May, while 12 have since been killed in various attacks
in the occupied West Bank. The Shin Bet, Israel's internal intelligence
agency, puts the death toll at 31, according to Israeli media.

The figures include four soldiers and eight settlers. Three of the Israeli
soldiers were targeted by armed Palestinians at army posts and checkpoints
in Jerusalem
and Jenin

The other soldier was killed in a fire exchange during a raid on the Jenin
refugee camp.

According to UN data <https://www.ochaopt.org/poc/6-19-december-2022>, at
least 280 Israelis have been wounded by Palestinians.

Most of Israel's operations in the West Bank have focused on Jenin and
Nablus, home to a growing number of Palestinian fighters.

A combined 90 of the total Palestinian deaths, more than half, came from
these two cities alone.

[image: Palestinian killed by city 2022]

Palestinians accuse the Israeli army of increasingly resorting back to
assassinations to eliminate some of the armed groups' senior fighters, a
tactic widely used during the Second Intifada.

In three different incidents, Israeli forces fatally shot a total of nine
Palestinian fighters while they were inside their vehicles, in what
Palestinians called "field executions".

Another fighter, who was wanted by Israel, was killed in what appeared to
be a targeted explosion
in Nablus. Palestinians accused Israel of being behind the attack. The
Israeli army did not comment on the explosion.
Settler violence

Alongside an uptick in military operations, Palestinians have faced growing
deadly settler violence in 2022, which has been on a year-to-year upward
2016, according to the UN.

There were at least 755 attacks by settlers against Palestinians this year,
161 of them leading to casualties, UN data
<https://www.ochaopt.org/poc/6-19-december-2022> shows. In comparison, 496
attacks were recorded in 2021 and 358 in 2020.

Violence carried out by settlers includes the use of live fire, physical
assaults, arson attacks and the uprooting of olive trees.

In this year's attacks, settlers are suspected of killing at least five
Palestinians, including Ali Hasan Harb
28, who was stabbed to death while peacefully rebuffing an assault by
settlers on private Palestinian land in Salfit.

In addition, a 16-year-old Palestinian boy, Amjad Nashaat Abu Alia
was fatally shot during an attack in which settlers and soldiers were
shooting at Palestinian demonstrators.

[image: Palestinian death toll and settler attacks 2022]

UN experts say
"armed and masked Israeli settlers are attacking Palestinians in their
homes, attacking children on their way to school, destroying property and
burning olive groves, and terrorising entire communities with complete

Of the 755 settler attacks this year, 594 led to damage to properties.
According to the Jerusalem-based Land Research Center, 13,130
<https://www.lrcj.org/media-8-3528.html> Palestinian-owned olive trees were

UN experts accuse Israeli authorities of being complicit in settler

"Disturbing evidence of Israeli forces frequently facilitating, supporting
and participating in settler attacks, makes it difficult to discern between
Israeli settler and State violence," the experts said.

Nearly 700,000 settlers live in more than 250 settlements and outposts
across the West Bank and East Jerusalem in violation of international law.

*Additional reporting by Ayah El-Khaldi
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