[News] Palestine Action Breaks in and Smashes Weapons Factory in Wales

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Dec 10 06:03:47 EST 2022

palestineaction.org <https://www.palestineaction.org/teledyne-break/>
Palestine Action Breaks in and Smashes Weapons Factory in WalesDecember 9,
[image: image.png]

*Photos are free to use, with credit to Vladimir Morozov:
bit.ly/PalTeledyne <http://bit.ly/PalTeledyne>*

Activists from Palestine Action have broken in to Teledyne Technologies’
weapons plant in Presteigne, Wales. Climbing in through smashed windows,
activists began to thoroughly dismantle the factory of the American-owned
firm, forcing closure of a site used to supply military hardware to Israel.
Activists have taken apart offices, broken computers, and have begun
occupation of the roof to ensure that the factory remains inoperable. The
group took over the Teledyne factory at 7.30am on Thursday morning, and vow
to continue this action for as long as possible to stop the manufacture or
shipment of Israel’s drone technologies and military gear.

Teledyne Technologies, and its subsidiary E2V Technologies, hold weapons
export licences for both Israel and India, where their surveillance and
targeting systems are used in the repression and killing of Palestinian and
Kashmiri civilians [1]. Teledyne produces image sensors for military
applications, as well as high-resolution surveillance technology for
Israel’s illegal apartheid wall [2]. Israel’s armed drone fleet, deployed
in successive assaults on Gaza since the 51-day attack in 2014, are also
outfitted with Teledyne targeting systems [3], which enables Israel to
precision target children and schools. Teledyne Technologies’ products are
therefore directly attributable to the surveillance and murder of thousands
of Palestinians. [4]

Teledyne Labtech, in Prestigne, manufacture technologies “integrated into
the world’s most sophisticated defence systems”, including in military
radar systems, electronic warfare systems, missile seeker heads, military
communications other capacities. [5]

Today’s action has broken another link in the chain between British-based
weapons manufacturers and the colonisation of Palestine. For over two
years, Palestine Action’s campaign has primarily focussed on Elbit Systems
– Israel’s largest arms firm – and has seen two of their sites forced to
close permanently. But the group are clear: any firm which works to supply
of weaponry to Israel will be shut down. This campaign will end British
complicity in the colonisation of Palestine – any firm contributing to that
will be a target. The group has said:

“*Britain is now a hostile environment for all companies involved in the
brutalisation and murder of Palestinians. Elbit Systems is one such
company, but Teledyne Technologies are another major player. They supply
surveillance equipment for Israel’s apartheid wall, and targeting systems
for their fleet of combat drones.* *Tackling the imperialist hydra means
cutting off all its heads, so we will shut down each and every company
complicit in the ongoing colonisation of Palestine.”*

This action and rooftop occupation comes after the group disrupted the
techUK Defence Winter Dinner only last night. Five activists entered
London’s Landmark Hotel and seized the microphone, calling out attendees,
including Elbit Systems, for their culpability in the crimes against
humanity committed by Israel. The dinner was attended by British
government, civil service, and military leaders, as well as representatives
of most major arms firms operating in the country. Elbit likely looked to
the event as an opportunity to affirm their relationships and reputation
after a string of embarrasing defeats by Palestine Action, these activists
had other ideas [6]


Images from the action, free to reproduce with credit to be given to
Vladimir Morozov, are available here: *bit.ly/PalTeledyne

Palestine Action is a network of groups and individuals established to take
direct action against properties owned by Israel’s biggest arms firm Elbit
Systems. The mission is to shut Elbit down and end all British complicity
in the illegal colonisation of Palestine.

Website: https://palestineaction.org/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pal_action

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pal_action/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@pal_action

Telegram: https://t.me/palaction




[3] https://www.jstor.org/stable/26271146



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