[News] Days after Gaza War and West Bank Killings, Palestinian Opens Fire at Settlers’ Bus in Jerusalem

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Sun Aug 14 13:07:40 EDT 2022

Days after Gaza War and West Bank Killings, Palestinian Opens Fire at
Settlers’ Bus in JerusalemAugust 14, 2022
Amir Sidawi, 26, reportedly carried out the shooting operation in Occupied
East Jerusalem. (Photo: via Social Media)

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff

A number of Israeli Jewish settlers were wounded, some of them critically,
when an attacker opened fire at their bus in Occupied East Jerusalem, Al
Jazeera and other Arabic-speaking media reported.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz put the number of wounded at 8, claiming that
one of the settlers was a pregnant woman.

Though the Israeli occupation army has carried out a mass search operation
in Palestinian towns and villages near the area, a 26-year-old East
Jerusalem resident turned himself in, six hours after the attack.

The media has named the Palestinian, who holds Israeli citizenship, Amir
Sidawi. The latter is not affiliated with any Palestinian group, Haaretz
reported, citing Israeli police sources.

Media coverage: "A photo of Palestinan resistance fighter Amir Sidawi, who
carried out the shooting operation last night in occupied Jerusalem in
which 7 Israeli settlers were wounded, some of them seriously."
pic.twitter.com/UWaNMw9TgB <https://t.co/UWaNMw9TgB>

— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) August 14, 2022

Little is known about Sidawi, aside from the fact that his family lives in
the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, one of several Palestinian
neighborhoods that have been targeted by Jewish extremists and Israeli

Several Palestinian homes in Silwan have been demolished in recent years,
rendering many of the town’s residents homeless.

It is unusual that a Palestinian attacker turns himself in to the police as
Sidawi has done. A Palestinian analyst told The Palestine Chronicle that he
might have done so to prevent more violent Israeli retaliations against
Silwan, as is often the case in such situations.

Collective punishment is a #War_Crime
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/War_Crime?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>, the
Israeli occupation must realize it provokes more occurrences of the
undesired behavior.
Arresting family members of Amir sidawi is collective punishment & shall
generate more hatred against #apartheid

— Dalal IRIQAT دلال عريقات (@DalalIRIQAT) August 14, 2022

While Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid referred to the attacker as a
“despicable terrorist”, various Palestinian groups hailed the attack as
legitimate resistance against the Israeli occupation.

Hamas, the socialist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP),
and the Islamic Jihad said that the attack was a natural response to the
recent assassinations and killings in the West Bank, as well as the recent
deadly war on the Gaza Strip, which has killed 49 Palestinians and wounded
over 300.

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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