[News] Israel kills Palestinian fighters, children in West Bank

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Wed Aug 10 09:38:41 EDT 2022

Israel kills Palestinian fighters, children in West Bank

Ali Abunimah <https://electronicintifada.net/people/ali-abunimah> - 9
August 2022
[image: A woman among a group of man carrying a flag-draped stretcher]

The mother of Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, a Palestinian resistance fighter killed
in an Israeli attack in Nablus on 9 August, helps carry her son’s body in
his funeral procession.
APA images

As Palestinians in Gaza still reel from Israel’s latest rampage
of killing and destruction, Tel Aviv turned its deadly rage on the West
Bank on Tuesday.

An early morning assault by occupation forces in the Old City of Nablus
killed three Palestinians, including a child, and injured
<https://www.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/52908> almost 70 with live ammunition.

Hours later, occupation forces fatally shot another Palestinian child in
Indiscriminate fire

Among the dead in Nablus was Ibrahim Alaa al-Nabulsi, a resistance fighter
who appears to have been the target of a pre-planned extrajudicial killing,
along with a comrade, Islam Sabbouh.

Occupation forces “surrounded the house of al-Nabulsi on Tuesday morning as
armed militants barricaded themselves inside and shot at the Israeli
soldiers,” the newspaper *Haaretz* claimed

According to an investigation
by the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, early on Tuesday morning
members of Israel’s special forces unit Yamam “sneaked into al-Habla
neighborhood in Nablus’ Old City and cordoned off an abandoned house in the

Israeli forces closed off the surrounding neighborhood and then “heavily
opened fire at the one-story house and launched several missiles at it.”

The resistance fighters exchanged fire with the Israeli attackers but were
hopelessly outgunned.

Sabbouh’s body was “badly burnt after the missiles directly hit him,
rendering it difficult to identify him,” PCHR stated.

Al-Nabulsi suffered gunshot wounds to the head and neck. He was taken to
hospital where despite efforts to save him he was pronounced dead.

Pictures of Sabbouh and al-Nabulsi circulated widely after their deaths:

وزارة الصحة تعلن أن شهداء مدينة نابلس هم: إبراهيم النابلسي، إسلام صبوح،
حسين جمال طه. pic.twitter.com/vt7i5mFXIN <https://t.co/vt7i5mFXIN>
— وكالة شهاب للأنباء (@ShehabAgency) August 9, 2022

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid praised the killings as “another step in
our uncompromising fight against terrorism.”

“I welcome the combined action of the security organizations, the Shin Bet,
the IDF and the Israel Police, which resulted in a targeted action with
great success and without casualties,” Lapid added, in apparent
confirmation of a pre-planned killing.

Lapid’s reference to there being no casualties – when dozens of
Palestinians were killed or injured – highlights the occupation leader’s
total disregard for Palestinian lives.

In a similar vein on Monday, Lapid said
Israel would “not apologize” for its bombing campaign in Gaza, which left
almost 50 Palestinians, including 16 children, dead and hundreds more

“Whoever tries to harm us will pay with their life,” Lapid said Monday.

The child killed in the Israeli attack on Nablus was identified as Hussein
Jamal Hussein Taha by human rights group Defense for Children

The 16-year-old “sustained at least one gunshot wound to his lower
abdomen,” the group said

Earlier today, @DCIPalestine
<https://twitter.com/DCIPalestine?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> confirmed that
Israeli forces shot and killed 16-year-old Hussein Jamal Hussein Taha
around 8:30 a.m. at the entrance to the old city in Nablus.
pic.twitter.com/FAfV60oA1D <https://t.co/FAfV60oA1D>
— Brad Parker (@baparkr) August 9, 2022

The boy’s father, Jamal Taha, was shot and injured.

The father and son had been on their way to work near the area cordoned off
by the invading forces, according to PCHR.

Dozens more civilians were injured by what PCHR termed Israel’s
“indiscriminate shooting” at “any moving object in the area.”

At least five people, including an elderly woman, are in critical
condition, the group said.
Legend in life and death

Israel accuses al-Nabulsi, a member of the Fatah-linked Al-Aqsa Martyrs
Brigade, of a series of shooting attacks targeting its occupation forces.

According to Palestinian media, al-Nabulsi had evaded
<https://safa.ps/post/333233/> several previous Israeli assassination
attempts over the last year.

The legendary status he gained in life only increased in his final hours
and following his death.

In a farewell message recorded while he was surrounded by Israeli forces,
al-Nabulsi expressed his love for his parents and bade them farewell.

“Protect the country after I am gone,” he told Palestinians, urging that
they should never lay down their weapons of resistance.

“I am on my way to martyrdom,” al-Nabulsi said.

تسجيل صوتي متداول للشهيد #إبراهيم_النابلسي
يوصي فيه بعدم ترك السلاح.. ووالدة الشهيد "إبراهيم اليوم انتصر.. وكلكم
pic.twitter.com/GeUQjqPSlK <https://t.co/GeUQjqPSlK>
— قناة المملكة (@AlMamlakaTV) August 9, 2022

Sabbouh also reportedly recorded a brief message, audio of which circulated
online. “We have become martyrs, pray for us,” he said.

تسجيل صوتي للشهيد إسلام صبوح أثناء حصاره اليوم في البلدة القديمة في #نابلس
pic.twitter.com/sB1Ao9sybU <https://t.co/sB1Ao9sybU>
— Newpress | نيو برس (@NewpressPs) August 9, 2022

Thousands of people <https://www.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/52943> turned out
for the funeral procession for those killed in Nablus.

And in an unusual scene, al-Nabulsi’s mother participated in bearing his
body on her shoulders.

مصادر صحفية: "جماهير حاشدة تشارك في تشييع إبراهيم النابلسي وإسلام صبوح
وحسين طه الذين ارتقوا في اشتباكات ومواجهات مع قوات الاحتلال بنابلس اليوم"
pic.twitter.com/icT0smGScx <https://t.co/icT0smGScx>
— AlQastal القسطل (@AlQastalps) August 9, 2022

النابلسي محمولاً على أكتاف والدته خلال تشييع جثمانه في نابلس
pic.twitter.com/2TEivzHYMB <https://t.co/2TEivzHYMB>
— AlQastal القسطل (@AlQastalps) August 9, 2022

Earlier, al-Nabulsi’s father told mourners that his son’s fate was “the
fate of every honorable and free person who carries a free and honorable

📹 فيديو صفا| والد الشهيد إبراهيم النابلسي: هذا مصير كل إنسان شريف وحر
ويحمل بندقية حرة وشريفة pic.twitter.com/15lBqbYmzt <https://t.co/15lBqbYmzt>
— وكالة صفا (@SafaPs) August 9, 2022

Palestinians declared a general strike
in many towns and cities to protest the Israeli attack.

The killing of the resistance fighters sparked
<https://www.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/52941> protests
<https://www.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/52952> across
<https://www.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/52947> the West Bank
<https://www.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/52926>, to which occupation forces
responded with live and rubber-coated metal bullets causing numerous

Amid confrontations in Hebron, occupation forces shot dead another child.

The Palestinian Authority health ministry said
<https://www.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/52953> 16-year-old Mumin Yasin Jaber was
killed with an exploding bullet that entered his heart.

. at DCIPalestine <https://twitter.com/DCIPalestine?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
confirmed Israeli forces shot and killed 16-year-old Momen Yasin Mohammad
Joude Jaber around 5 p.m. today in the Bab Al-Zawyeh area of Hebron. He was
shot in the chest with live ammunition.

Momen is the second Palestinian boy killed today by Israeli forces.
pic.twitter.com/W4hezqgrXG <https://t.co/W4hezqgrXG>
— Brad Parker (@baparkr) August 9, 2022

to the PA health ministry, the latest deaths in the West Bank and Gaza
bring the number of Palestinians killed by Israel this year to 130.

That includes more than 30 children.

“Resistance has never stopped because of the killing its leaders or wanted
persons, but the occupier refuses to understand this,” Yasser Ashour, a
Palestinian social media commenter, observed.

ما عمرها المقاومة توقفت باغتيال القادة والمطاردين، بس احتلالنا ما بيستوعب.
— Yasser (@yasserashour95) August 9, 2022

That sentiment was echoed by Ibrahim al-Nabulsi’s mother.

“They shot Ibrahim. But there are 100 Ibrahims. Every one of you is
Ibrahim,” she told mourners, adding that her son “is more precious than my

واليوم والدة الشهيد #ابراهيم_النابلسي
تقول كلمتها من فلسطين: "ما رأيت إلا جميلا".#فلسطين
pic.twitter.com/bl1QBuRjwx <https://t.co/bl1QBuRjwx>
— هبة البِني (@HIBA_BN95) August 9, 2022
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