[News] Israeli forces assassinate Palestinian resistance fighter in Nablus military raid

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Tue Aug 9 11:47:37 EDT 2022

Israeli forces assassinate Palestinian resistance fighter in Nablus
military raid
QudsN - August 9, 2022
[image: image.png]
Ibrahim al-Nablusi at the funeral of two Palestinian fighters killed by
Israeli forces in Nablus in the occupied West Bank on 24 July 2022.

Nablus (QNN)- Israeli occupation forces assassinated on Tuesday Palestinian
resistance fighter Ibrahim al-Nabulsi during a military raid centred on a
house in the Old City in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus.

Nabulsi, one of the most wanted resistance fighters by the Israeli
occupation forces in Nablus and the head of Fatah’s armed wing, al-Aqsa
Martyrs’ Brigades, was shot and seriously injured during exchanges of fire
with Israeli soldiers in the heart of Nablus’ old city, this morning, local
sources reported.

He was later announced dead in Rafidia Hospital, along with Islam Sabouh,
32, and Hussain Jamal Taha, 16.

Al-Nabulsi was inside a house which was cordoned off and blown up by the
Israeli forces who fired an anti-tank missile toward it, killing him and

At least 40 more Palestinians were also wounded during confrontations with
Israeli soldiers in the same raid. Taha was injured and killed during the
furious confrontations.

Israeli occupation forces have attacked and tried to assassinate Nabulsi
several times previously, most recently on July 24 when he and a group of
fighters were surrounded in a home in the al-Yasmina neighbourhood
in the Old City in Nablus. He got out alive after heavy confrontation,
while two other resistance fighters, Mohammad Azizi, 25, and Abdelrahman
Soboh, 28, were assassinated
Al-Nabulsi decided then to show up at Soboh and Azizi’s funerals

Reports also say the first known attempt to arrest Nablusi is believed to
have happened in February, during a clandestine military operation in
Al-Makhfia neighbourhood
He was initially thought to be among the three youths killed that day
before he emerged once again alive at their funerals

In a recording
that was circulated on social media just before his assassination,
al-Nabulsi declares: “I love you all, I am now going to die a martyr’s
death, I am asking that you never leave your weapons. I love my mother,
pray for me.”
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