[News] Ending Israel’s Impunity: Palestine Action Occupy and Destroy Israeli Weapons Transport Company

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Aug 8 11:14:04 EDT 2022

Gaza has spent three days and nights mourning the dead. Circling the 
skies, raining fire down below, are the drones and fighter jets of Elbit 
Systems - Israel's largest arms company. Knowing that petitions, rallies 
and appeals to power will do nothing here in Britain, we've responded 
with direct action.

We are currently occupying Elbit client "The Good Packing Company", who 
package, transport and export Israeli weapons, battle tested on the 
Palestinian people.

The four activists set out at dawn, their rooftop occupation is ongoing, 
with high-level damage caused and activists set on staying as long as 
possible. Get down there and support:

*Good Packing Company, Lichfield Road Industrial Estate, Tamworth, B79 

The company has been confirmed to provide shipping and military-grade 
packaging to Elbit. Included in this are the Hermes 450/900 drones (just 
used in Gaza) and also produced (in part) in Tamworth. All site 
operations have been halted.

After the massacres we've all seen in Gaza in the last few days, there 
can be no impunity for Israel, or anyone involved and complicit in 
Palestinian genocide. The time for action is now - we need to dissolve 
Britain's Israeli arms industry through direct action.

Join our action workshop tonight and every other day at 7pm this week:

*Action for Gaza* 

Actions are built on donations. Help fund our campaign and every penny 
will go to making direct action for Palestine happen.

*Fund Direct Action*

/"Speak to any Gazan on the ground - they are shouting at the world, 
saying: 'We don't want your sympathy - we want action.' And that's 
exactly what we're doing, targetting those complicit in the genocide of 
Palestine, and unravelling Israel's military chokehold on the region. 
Now more than ever we need immediate action for Gaza."/

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