[News] Jewish Extremist Settlers Storm Al-Aqsa for Fourth Day in a Row

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Wed Apr 20 10:53:49 EDT 2022

Jewish Extremist Settlers Storm Al-Aqsa for Fourth Day in a Row
April 20, 2022
Dozens of Jewish settlers, escorted by Israeli forces, storm Al-Aqsa.
(Photo: via Twitter)

For the fourth day in a row, Jewish extremist settlers stormed Al-Aqsa
Mosque on Wednesday, amidst rising tension in Jerusalem’s Old City, the
official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

Officials from the Islamic Waqf department, which is in charge of Al-Aqsa
Mosque, said over 1100 Jewish fanatics have entered the holy compound.

#Israeli <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Israeli?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
occupation forces point their guns to shoot Palestinians, while colonial
Israeli settlers storming Al-Aqsa Mosque, occupied #Jerusalem
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/Jerusalem?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>, today
pic.twitter.com/cRET50jpgj <https://t.co/cRET50jpgj>

— DAYS OF PALESTINEᅠ (@DaysOfPal) April 20, 2022

As in previous days, the Israeli police provided the settlers heavy
protection while forcing Muslim worshippers to stay inside the buildings or
away from the path the settlers take every day in their intrusion.

The hardline Jewish fanatics, who seek to change the historic and legal
status quo at the Al-Aqsa compound, have vowed to continue with their
provocative presence at the holy site despite the fact that it could fuel
religious strife.

Israeli ultra-nationalists say they are determined to go ahead with a
flag-waving march around predominantly Palestinian areas of #Jerusalem
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/Jerusalem?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>’s Old
City, brushing aside a police ban of an event that served as one of the
triggers of the #Israel
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/Israel?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>-Gaza #war

— Al Arabiya English (@AlArabiya_Eng) April 20, 2022

The Isreali government stated that it will now allow Jewish settlers to
hold a march in the occupied Old City and East Jerusalem.

However, the organizers said they are determined to go ahead with their
plans, while several nationalist Israeli politicians said they would be
attending the march, including the ultra-nationalist member of the Knesset
Itamar Ben Gvir.

*(The Palestine Chronicle, WAFA, Social Media)*

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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