[News] Palestine Prisoners Day - April 17 - by Art Against Imprisonment

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Apr 7 19:39:06 EDT 2022

*Sunday, April 17th - 10am PDT, 1 PM EDT, 8pm Palestine*


Prisoner Day flyer.jpg

*Art Against Imprisonment <http://artagainstprison.org> *is hosting this 
event to mark Palestinian Prisoners Day, April 17th 2022.  Palestinians 
have commemorated April 17th since 1974 as a national tribute to 
prisoners and their sacrifices, a call to unify the efforts to support 
them and their right to freedom, and a call for solidarity with their 
families. <https://www.birzeit.edu/en/palestinian-prisoners-day> This 
year we uplift the daring Great Escape 
six Palestinian prisoners from the maximum security Gilboa prison on 
September 6th, 2021.  We also mark the courageous collective boycott of 
Israeli military courts by Palestinian administrative detainees 
<https://www.addameer.org/index.php/news/4736> since January 1, 2022, 
now in its fourth month.

Art Against Imprisonment shines a light on the creativity which people 
in prison use to break through repression, isolation and invisibility. 
For Palestinian Prisoners Day 2022, we are proud to host Palestinian 
former prisoners and artists to celebrate steadfast resistance against 
imprisonment, occupation, and settler colonialism.

*Featuring -
*Rana Bishara* 
Palestinian installation artist, painter, graphic artist, photographer 
and performing artist, based in Palestine
*Mustafa Sheta* 
Palestinian former political prisoner and General Director Jenin Freedom 
Theater, based in Palestine
*Clarissa Bitar* <https://clarissabitar.com/#/>*-  Palestinian oud 
musician and composer, based in the U.S. *
*Chris Gazaleh <https://www.cgazaleh.com/> - Palestinian visual artist, 
musician, writer, organizer and educator, based in the U.S. *
*Sunday April 17 - 10 am PDT,  2:30 EDT, 8:00 pm Palestine
*For more information contact artagainstimprisonment at gmail.com
*EVENT SPONSORS: ADDAMEER Prisoner Support & Human Rights Association, 
U.S. Palestinian Community Network, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, 
California Coalition for Women Prisoners, Freedom Archives and 
Palestinian Youth Movement*
*CO-SPONSORS - Critical Resistance, Jenin Freedom Theatre, Chicago 
Alliance Against Racist  & Political Repression, Palestinian Feminist 
Collective, Coalition for Civil Freedoms, Release Aging People in 
Prison, Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies*

        shine a light on the creativity which people in prisons use to
        break through their isolation and invisibili
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