[News] On first day of Ramadan, ‘Israel’ kills three Palestinians in Jenin

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Apr 2 21:54:18 EDT 2022

first day of Ramadan, ‘Israel’ kills three Palestinians in Jenin
Picture of the three Palestinian martyrs who were shot dead by Israeli
forces in the city of Jenin on April 2, 2022.

Jenin (QNN)- Israeli occupation forces killed three Palestinians in the
occupied West Bank city of Jenin in the predawn hours of Saturday.

Local sources said the forces opened fire at a vehicle near Arraba village,
southwest of Jenin.

They killed three Palestinians while they were inside the vehicle.

The three martyrs are Khalil Tawalbeh, 24, from Jenin, Saif Abu Libdeh, 25,
from Tulkarm, and Saeb Abahra, 30, from Jenin.

The reports said the soldiers assassinated the youths and prevented
Palestinian ambulances from approaching the area.

فيديو| مصادر محلية: الاحتلال يمنع طواقم الاسعاف من الوصول للمصابين داخل
المركبة التي تم إطلاق النار تجاهها قرب دوار عرابة بجنين
pic.twitter.com/dZC785K4xQ <https://t.co/dZC785K4xQ>

— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) April 1, 2022

Sources also confirmed the Israeli forces have kept the martyrs’ bodies and
refused to hand them over to their families.

The forces also confiscated the vehicle which they were inside.

Israeli media claimed they were responsible for a recent shooting near the
city of TulKarm in the West Bank.

Israeli media also claimed the youths planned to carry out further

Reports also identified them as belonging to the military wing of the
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement.
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