[News] Cuban President Expresses Commitment to Anti-Racist Fight at UN

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Thu Sep 23 15:35:43 EDT 2021

President Expresses Commitment to Anti-Racist Fight at UNSeptember 22, 2021

At the meeting, which is part of the general debate of the 76th session of
the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, the President said that the
objectives set out in the Durban Declaration and Program of Action to
combat all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related
intolerance have not been achieved.

He noted that structural racism persists and proliferates at worrying
levels, including in social networks and other communication platforms,
hate speech, intolerance, xenophobia and discrimination.


*Cuba Condemns US Systemic Racism at the UN Human Rights Council

Díaz-Canel, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party
of Cuba, added that developed capitalist countries try with demagogic
speeches to divert attention from their historical responsibility in the
enthronement and persistence of these scourges and their debt with the
peoples who are victims of the slavery to which they were subjected.

He referred to the multidimensional crisis generated by the COVID-19
pandemic, "which has exacerbated structural inequalities and exclusion,
typical of the prevailing unjust economic order, which subjects the poor,
the Afro-descendant or the migrant, to all kinds of discrimination."

Diaz-Canel continued by saying that, "it meant that with a colonial slave
past, the black and mulatto Cuban population suffered for centuries the
consequences of a system in which racism and racial discrimination were
part of everyday life and only with the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, in
1959, a process of radical transformations took place that demolished the
structural bases of racism, and eliminated institutionalized racial
discrimination forever."

"The new Constitution of the Republic of Cuba ratified and strengthened the
recognition and protection of the right to equality, as well as the
prohibition of discrimination," stressed the head of state.

*"President @DiazCanelB ratified in #UNGA that: 'We will not relent in the
purpose of achieving all social justice. The peoples of the world will
always be able to count on the contribution of #Cuba so that the
commitments we made 20 years ago in Durban become a reality.'"*

He added that in order to make further progress in the emancipating work of
the Revolution, the National Plan against Racism and Racial Discrimination
was approved in November 2019, as a government program that favors the most
effective confrontation of racial prejudices and social problems that still
persist in Cuban society.

The Cuban President stressed that the peoples of the world will always be
able to count on Cuba's contribution "so that the commitments we assumed 20
years ago in Durban become a reality."

Bruno Rodríguez, Cuba's Minister of Foreign Affairs, will attend the
High-Level Meeting, which will adopt a declaration aimed at mobilizing the
necessary political will to fully and effectively implement the Durban
Declaration and Program of Action and its follow-up processes.

The Durban Declaration and Program of Action were adopted by consensus at
the 2001 World Conference against Racism in South Africa and propose
concrete measures to combat racism, discrimination, xenophobia and related
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