[News] Haiti: Stop the Racist Deportations

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Sep 21 14:09:21 EDT 2021

Stop the Racist Deportations Haitian Refugee Crisis Made in the USA
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Haitian Refugee Crisis Made in the USA*

US border patrol agent assaults Haitian refugees. Credit: Paul Ratje/AFP/./

Haiti Action Committee denounces the inhumane and racist deportation of 
Haitian refugees from the US-Mexico border, where thousands of 
people are living in terrible, even deadly, conditions, and are 
being systematically deported by the Biden Administration. *This is a 

Credit: @jbmoorephoto/./

Why are Haitians at the border in the first place? Many fled Haiti years 
ago as it descended into terror following the U.S.-orchestrated coup 
against Haiti’s democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand 
Aristide, in 2004. Following the coup many left the country in the wake 
of the disastrous UN occupation that shattered the economy and brought 
about a massive cholera epidemic. Many came from Brazil and Chile, where 
they had been recruited for low-wage labor after the earthquake of 2010, 
and then forced out when no longer needed.

Credit: @jbmoorephoto

Now, the United States government, which bears such great responsibility 
for this migration, is loading up plane after plane for deportation to 
Haiti. This takes place at a moment when a series of U.S.-backed 
dictatorships, imposed through rigged elections, have looted the country 
and weaponized death squads to attack and terrorize the population. Add 
to this the recent earthquake in Haiti, which killed over 2200 people 
and left hundreds of thousands without shelter, devastating the southern 
peninsula of the country. Haiti does not have the capacity to absorb 
huge numbers of refugees, yet the Biden Administration is determined to 
deport thousands of people without regard to due process or to the 
dangers that they will face upon return.

*Please contact the White House and your Congressional representatives 
to demand:*

*End the Deportations Immediately.
Justice For Haitian Refugees.

White House Comment line: 202-456-1111
Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121*







Email <mailto:action.haiti at gmail.com>

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