[News] Venezuela Denounces COVAX for Not Sending Vaccines Despite Receiving Full Payment

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Sep 6 12:37:09 EDT 2021

Denounces COVAX for Not Sending Vaccines Despite Receiving Full
6, 2021

*Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez stressed that Venezuela had
completed the necesseary payment to COVAX but is yet to receive a single

Venezuela has denounced the fact that it has not received any COVID-19
vaccines from COVAX, the international mechanism created by the World
Health Organization (WHO) for the purpose of equitable distribution of
vaccines to countries with less resources. Venezuela has not received a
single vaccine dose despite having completed the necessary payment months

“COVAX has distributed more than 236 million doses to countries all over
the world,” stressed Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, “and
although Venezuela has paid $120 million, it has not received a single dose
to date.”

On Friday, September 3, in a speech at the teaching staff training event *Latin
America at the Crossroads*, Rodríguez recalled all the damages that have
been inflicted upon Venezuela through the illegal unilateral coercive
measures imposed by the United States.

RELATED CONTENT: Cuba Denounces Theft of Its COVID-19 Vaccine Information

“The worst tightening of the blockade against Venezuela occurred precisely
during the pandemic,” decried the executive vice president.

Rodríguez also indicated that the Venezuelan government had paid COVAX for
the doses with state resources through the international banking system.

“This is what is known as second-level sanctions,” explained Vice President
Rodríguez. “We managed to recover our resources in the world banking system
through great sacrifice and paid $120 million to COVAX, which was supposed
to be a solidarity mechanism.”

At the beginning of August, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
announced that starting from August 4, Venezuela would start receiving 3.2
million vaccine doses from COVAX, of which 2.6 million doses would be of
Sinopharm and 600,000 of Sinovac.

Venezuela paid COVAX the complete amount required for the acquisition of
11,374 400 doses, which were to immunize 20% of the Venezuelan population.

The COVAX platform is jointly directed by the Gavi Vaccine Alliance, the
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and the WHO, in
order to guarantee the equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in the

*Featured image: Vice President Delcy Rodríguez said that the Venezuelan
government had fully paid COVAX for vaccine doses with state resources in
the world banking system, but is yet to receive a single dose. Photo:
Twitter / @ViceVenezuela*


Translation: Orinoco Tribune


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