[News] Int’l widespread criticism of Israel’s designation of 6 human rights NGOs as terrorist groups

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Sat Oct 23 10:27:49 EDT 2021

 Int’l widespread criticism of Israel’s designation of 6 human rights NGOs
as terrorist groups
People in Montreal attend a demonstration outside the Israeli consulate on
May 15, 2021, to denounce Israel's military actions in the Palestinian
territories. (Graham Hughes/The Canadian Press via AP)

October 23, 2021 - https://qudsnen.co/?p=30663

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- Shortly after the occupation state designated six
Palestinian human rights organizations as terrorist “organizations”,
international rights groups rejected the decision and called for reversing

The occupation state claimed that the organizations are linked to the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a left-wing movement
with a political party and member on the resistance’s joint chamber.

The designated groups include Al-Haq, a human rights group founded in 1979,
the Addameer rights group, Defence for Children International-Palestine,
the Bisan Center for Research and Development, the Union of Palestinian
Women’s Committees and the Union of Agricultural Work Committees.

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor (Euro-Med) condemned Israel’s
announcement, considering it as another link in the chain of undermining
the right to civil and human rights work in the Palestinian territories.

The Geneva-based rights organization said in a statement that the
classification aims to prevent the documentation of Israeli violations and
support their victims amid an absence of international response to that.

Jewish Voice for Peace criticized the decision and described it as an
attack on all Palestinian rights.

This is outrageous. Palestinian human rights groups have – for decades –
stood strong in the face of continued attacks by the Israeli government and
military. This latest accusation by the Israeli government on key human
rights orgs is an attack on all Palestinian rights. https://t.co/5vhKkUgSbI

— Jewish Voice for Peace (@jvplive) October 22, 2021

B’Tselem, an Israeli human rights organization, said the Israeli decision
“is an act characteristic of totalitarian regimes, with the clear purpose
of shutting down these organizations.”

1. Israel’s “change” government's designation of Palestinian human rights
organizations as “terror organizations” is an act characteristic of
totalitarian regimes, with the clear purpose of shutting down these
organizations. https://t.co/EoTMxayBK5

— B'Tselem בצלם بتسيلم (@btselem) October 22, 2021

In the same vein, Breaking the Silence said the decision is “a well-known
tactic of authoritarian regimes who fear criticism.”

“How many times have we heard, “where are the Palestinian human rights
organizations?” Well, here they are”, it added.

Outlawing human rights organizations is a well-known tactic of
authoritarian regimes who fear criticism. How many times have we heard,
"where are the Palestinian human rights organizations?" Well, here they are.

— Breaking the Silence (@BtSIsrael) October 22, 2021

US human rights watchdog ‘Center for Constitutional Rights’ also condemned
the Israeli decision, describing it as “a continuation of a long-standing
project by the Israeli government and its supporters to isolate Palestinian
civil society advocates and criminalize the promotion of Palestinian

Israel’s designation of leading Palestinian human rights organizations as
terrorist is a continuation of a long-standing project by the Israeli
government and its supporters to isolate Palestinian civil society
advocates and criminalize the promotion of Palestinian rights.

— The CCR (@theCCR) October 22, 2021
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