[News] Police harassment following Liverpool Action by Palestine Action

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Oct 14 16:11:24 EDT 2021

Activists have homes raided, possessions seized - and how you can support us


Palestine Action activists have homes raided, possessions seized, and 
other police harassment following action taken against the Liverpool 
Arms Fair

Following the scaling and occupying of the ACC Arena - venue for the 
Liverpool Arms Fair - activists have had their homes raided, possessions 
seized, and families harrassed. This is not limited to the two activists 
who scaled the site and occupied for over a day and a half - six homes 
were raided over the past two days in Liverpool, including the homes of 
two individuals who were arrested in Liverpool for merely carrying cans 
of spray paint.

Three of the homes raided were family homes containing young children, 
while four took place in the middle of the night. One activist's close 
acquaintance was arrested - for unknown reasons - and subsequently 
released on bail. Possessions seized included Palestine flags, posters, 
books with Arabic in them, personal devices, and cash.

This type of police harassment comes as no surprise to Palestine Action 
- with our activists regularly experiencing raids, causeless arrests, 
intimidation of families, property seizure and more. After the police 
failed to prevent activists from scaling the ACC building, and after 
their subsequent 'dispersal zone' order failed to keep protestors away, 
these actions show their desperation to save face. They can commit all 
the raids they like, and harass and intimidate as much as they like - if 
these arms fairs keep taking place in Britain, our activists will 
continue to take action.

Supporting Palestine Action

Our actions can only take place with help from supporters - including 
turning up to show solidarity, publicising our actions, and helping us 
to cover the cose of each action.

We have hundreds of new members willing and eager to take action to 
#ShutElbitDown and take arms factories off of our streets - for this to 
happen, we need resources. To help to make future actions possible, 
please donate via the link below.


Press Release 

Palestine Action| 77 Kingsway, London, United Kingdom
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