[News] Say it with us: #NoTechForApartheid

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Oct 13 12:19:39 EDT 2021

Join us and people across the world saying #NoTechForApartheid

A web of images connected by barbed wire: images include Google and 
Amazon CEOs, an Amazon prime box, a surveillance camera, and both Amazon 
and Google logos on the left side, next to images of Israeli violence 
and apartheid on the right side, including a checkpoint, IDF soldiers 
apprehending Palestinians, and the Gaza wall.

Dear friend,
Yesterday, nearly *800** workers at Amazon and Google* joined forces to 
demand their employers *pull out of Project Nimbus* – a $1.2 billion 
contract to provide cloud services for the Israeli military and 
government – and *cut all ties with the Israeli military.*

The courageous workers at every level of Amazon and Google are making it 
very clear that technology should be used to bring people together, not 
enable apartheid and violence.
*They deserve our support.* Send an email to Amazon and Google execs & 
let them know that there’s still time to do the right thing: Cut Project 
Nimbus, and stop doing business with Israel’s apartheid government.

_*Let us know you’re on the side of workers and Palestinian liberation. 
With one click, email Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Amazon CEO Andy 

*Project Nimbus is designed to make the Israeli military that carries 
out atrocities in Gaza — and the government that carries out the daily 
business of apartheid — more oppressive and deadly for Palestinians.*
That’s not hyperbole. Under Project Nimbus, the technology and 
infrastructure provided by Google and Amazon may make the *data-powered 
surveillance of Palestinians* more state-of-the-art. In addition, this 
cloud tech may build data capacity for the Israel Land Authority (ILA), 
the Israeli government agency that manages the *expansion of illegal 
settlements and confines and segregates Palestinian communities.*

_*Both Amazon and Google pay lip service to having human rights 
commitments. Let them know that facilitating apartheid is unacceptable. 

Google and Amazon execs signed the Project Nimbus contract this past May 
as the Israeli military levelled entire residential buildings and 
clinics in Gaza, and threatened to push Palestinian families out of 
their homes in Jerusalem.
*We’ve seen this kind of thing before from Big Tech,* though this is one 
of the more flagrant examples. Just one example is ICE and police 
departments around the United States, who have used their 
data-maintenance contracts with Amazon to expand the immoral deportation 
machine and manage the surveillance of marginalized communities.
*But we’ve also seen ordinary people and workers fight back and win 
against awful Big Tech contracts like this and win before — and there’s 
every reason to believe we can make Amazon and Google executives listen 
to those calling on them to be on the right side of history.*
Following in the footsteps of those who fought for divestment from 
apartheid South Africa and won, it’s our responsibility to *say no to 
Amazon and Google’s powering of state violence.* We know that, together, 
we can win, too.

_*Let’s declare together: #NoTechForApartheid. 

Thank you for everything that you do to further justice.
In solidarity,

/The BDS movement/


/The nonviolent BDS movement for freedom, justice and equality is 
supported by the absolute majority in Palestinian society. BDS rejects 
all forms of racism and racial discrimination./




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