[News] Israel demolishes one of the oldest Muslim graveyards near Al-Aqsa Mosque

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Oct 11 21:21:40 EDT 2021

demolishes one of the oldest Muslim graveyards near Al-Aqsa Mosque
October 11, 2021
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The Israeli occupation's Jerusalem Municipality yesterday demolished one of
the oldest Muslim graveyards in the occupied holy city, reported *Wafa*
news agency.

The head of the Committee for the Preservation of Islamic Cemeteries in
Jerusalem, Mustafa Abu Zahra, said the Jerusalem Municipality's teams,
accompanied by a bulldozer, destroyed a grave from the Al Yousifieh
Cemetery, and scattered the bones.

He added that among the graves demolished were those of Muslims who were
martyred in the conflicts between 1948 and 1967, and that Israel will face
legal action in response to the municipality's actions.

According to *Wafa*, Palestinians who were present in the area blocked the
bulldozer from destroying the graves further and forced it out of the area.

Abu Zahra called on all Jerusalemites to "unite in order to protect
Jerusalem's landmarks from the Israeli occupation's oppression".

The cemetery, located next to the wall surrounding the Old City, is one of
the oldest Muslim graveyards in occupied Jerusalem and is about 4,000
square metres.

The demolition is part of the Israeli occupation authorities' plan
build a "Biblical garden path" inside the cemetery which contains the Tomb
of the Unknown Soldier, as well as many ancient and modern graves.

It's a step that has angered many residents of East Jerusalem who have
loved ones buried in that cemetery.
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