[News] Palestine Action Take Over Israel's Arms Production Site in Kent

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Oct 7 10:28:44 EDT 2021


Palestine Action is NOW occupying the site of Intro Precision, in 
Discovery Park, Sandwich, Kent, to disrupt the operations of the Elbit 
weapons factory.

A dozen activists are currently occupying the Discovery Park site, which 
is blockaded at both entrances, occupying the entranceway and overhang 
to the Discovery Park main office, spraying premises in red paint.

The owners of the industrial estate, Discovery Park, are also being 
targeted in this action, with their offices having been shut down by 
activists. This is due to their extensive partnership with Elbit 
Systems, having worked collaboratively to design and erect Instro 
Precision’s state-of-the-art arms factory, custom-built to enable 
production of the Israeli military’s weapons for war crimes.

We have taken action twice before at the site, but todays action marks 
the first time that activists have occupied the heavily guarded, high 
security factory. The action – as with all Palestine Action occupations 
– will aim to be as disruptive as possible, to undermine Instro’s 
ability to produce the tools of warfare and repression.

The Instro Precision factory in Discovery Park cannot continue to 
operate. The injustices and war crimes committed with products made 
inside these factory gates constitute nothing short of a national 
scandal – that Elbit Systems, Instro Precision, and all other Elbit 
subsidiaries are able to manufacture in Britain is shameful. We will not 
stop until we shut all of these death factories down!

Those in or near the area, come down to Discovery Park, Sandwich and 
show ground support to the activists halting Elbit’s killer production: 
Discovery Park, Sandwich, CT13 9FL

Donate to keep our actions growing, share on social media, and get the 
word out: Palestine Action Gets The Goods!

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Palestine Action| 77 Kingsway, London, United Kingdom

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