[News] Declassified 2018 US Report Dismantles Story of Sonic Attacks

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Fri Oct 1 21:57:38 EDT 2021

US Report Dismantles Story of Sonic AttacksOctober 1, 2021

A State Department report declassified Thursday dismissed the theory of the
causes behind the alleged acoustic attacks reported in 2017 by U.S.
diplomats in Havana.


*Cuba Says 'Mysterious Syndrome' is Not Scientifically Plausible

The document, which dismantles the political argument used by the
administration of former President Donald Trump to reinforce the U.S.
blockade against Cuba, was completed in 2018, but comes to light now to
ratify what the scientific community already demonstrated.

Noises linked to a mysterious disease among U.S. diplomats in Cuba, dubbed
the “Havana Syndrome," were likely caused by insects rather than microwave
weapons, the declassified report has revealed.

According to the study, there are no microwave weapons associated with the
alleged health ailment that caused the Trump administration to decide to
dismantle its embassy in the Cuban capital.

The scientific review was commissioned by the U.S. State Department and
written by the independent science advisory group JASON.

The United States accused Cuba, without evidence, of an alleged deliberate
attack against its diplomatic corps accredited in Havana, which the
authorities of the island nation categorically denied from the outset.

A secret report found that microwaves didn't cause "Havana syndrome"
incidents and concluded some diplomats heard crickets.
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) October 1, 2021

Last July, President Joe Biden ordered the State Department to examine the
possibility of increasing the staff of its representation on the island in
the midst of the long-promised review of the policy towards the largest of
the Antilles.

In multiple scenarios, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez has
reiterated that his country has never perpetrated nor will it perpetrate
attacks of any nature against diplomatic officials or their families,
without exception. He has also remarked that Cuba never allowed nor will it
ever allow its territory to be used by third parties for such purposes.

This is in line with Cuba's adherence to its obligations under the 1961
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, with regard to the protection of
the integrity of accredited officials on national soil, as well as their

Another declassified State Department report earlier this year suggested
that Trump's decision regarding the Havana embassy was, above all, a
political response plagued by mismanagement, lack of coordination and
procedural non-compliance.

The escalation of statements and actions by the Trump administration was
mounted on the story of the health incidents and false accusations,
according to Johana Tablada, who is the deputy director general for the
United States at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Such actions “tightened the blockade and redoubled hostility against Cuba,"
she warned at the time.
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