[News] ‘I Come From the Quarries,’ Peru’s President Castillo Says

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Sun Nov 28 19:35:08 EST 2021


  ‘I Come From the Quarries,’ Peru’s President Castillo Says

November 27, 2021

On Saturday, Peru's President Pedro Castillo regretted the skirmishes 
promoted by opposition lawmakers, who are interested in "destabilizing 
his government."

On Thursday, the opposition benches from the Popular Force (FP), Popular 
Renovation (RP), and Move Forward (AP) parties presented a vacancy 
motion to be analyzed by the Parliament.

"Just when today we have worked hard to recover gas for all Peruvians, 
certain small groups behind closed doors come to ask and want to 
destabilize the Government," President Castillo said.

The leftist president made the statements at the opening of the VII 
National Meeting of Rural Workers Union in Yurimaguas municipality, 
where he announced the installation of an office to attend to this 
sector's needs.

    Peru's new leftist President Pedro Castillo used his first ever
    speech at the United Nations to call for a "social transformation"
    that guarantees not just civil and political rights, but also
    economic and social rights to healthcare, education, housing, and
    dignified work pic.twitter.com/YZpbSbI7t6 <https://t.co/YZpbSbI7t6>

    — Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) September 24, 2021

The vacancy motion was presented by lawmaker Patricia Chirinos, who will 
need 52 votes to achieve the debate of her proposal. If agreed, the 
president would attend a plenary session to answer a series of questions 
from the congressmen.

Among the grounds to remove the rural teacher from his presidential 
seat, opposition lawmakers pointed out ongoing investigation on alleged 
money laundering, especially the misuse of public funds by the Junin's 
Regional Government in his party Free Peru (PL) 2021 electoral campaign.

"They are not going to teach me. They are not going to give me lessons 
of struggle because I come from those quarries... Why don't they go out 
to survey in Yurimaguas? Why don't they come to survey in the deepest 
towns?," President Castillo said.

    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Peru?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> |
    President Pedro Castillo launched the "second agricultural reform"
    which is a development program that will provide roads, technology
    and technical advice to farmers. pic.twitter.com/EWEBLJNCoO

    — teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) October 6, 2021

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