[News] Update from the Wet'suwet'en Frontlines

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Nov 27 23:15:24 EST 2021

Update from the Wet'suwet'en Frontlines Video of Coyote Camp Raid 
Released. Solidarity Actions Continue!


  Video and Photos of Raid on Coyote Camp Released

  All Land Defenders Are Out Of Jail

  Outpouring Of Solidarity As The Struggle Continues

*Call to action from Gidimt'en Checkpoint*


and photos 
of the raid of Coyote Camp have been released and are appalling.

The RCMP played the soundtrack to Freddy the horror film over the radio 
as they approached, and then used axes and chainsaws to break into a 
cabin without a warrant. They pointed assault rifles at land defenders 
including Sleydo' as they removed them from their cabin and their land.

After the raid, RCMP burned the cabins at Coyote Camp to the ground 
mirroring a long standing tactic colonial forces have used to violently 
remove indigenous people from their land on Wet'suwet'en territories and 

After being locked up for three to five days under abusive conditions 
including putting trans women in a men's prison, and denying people food 
and water all 30 plus land defenders, legal observers, and journalists 
are now out of jail with conditions that attempt to limit access to 
Wet'suwet'en land and a February 14th court date.

All of this has taken place as climate disasters hammer both sides of so 
called Canada.

Across Turtle Island and beyond people are standing up and speaking out 
against these injustices and continue to do so with rallies, highway 
shutdowns, protests at investors' and politicians' offices plus railroad 

Indigenous nations from near and far have issued powerful statements of 
support and condemnations of the RCMP actions.

People everywhere are standing up to build a movement for Indigenous 
Sovereignty and to put an end to climate destroying pipeline projects.

Hereditary Chiefs and land defenders are committed to continue the 
struggle and continue to put out a call out for solidarity and support 
on the ground!

Below is a collection of recent videos articles and solidarity actions:


Video of the RCMP raid on Coyote Camp put out by Gidimt'en Checkpoint:*



The RCMP violently raided unceded Gidimt’en territory on November 19th, 
2021, removing Indigenous women from their land at gunpoint on behalf of 
TC Energy’s proposed Coastal GasLink pipeline.

The raid involved about 50 police, including 20 tactical officers in 
green military fatigues, with assault weapons and attack dogs who 
surrounded the camp. During the raid, the RCMP breached two structures - 
Skïy ze’ Cabin, a cabin built on the proposed drill pad site, and a 
nearby tiny home. RCMP cut the camp’s satellite internet and radio 
antenna cords.

The police attempted to enter the tiny house, but Cas Yikh supporting 
chief Sleydo' demanded to see a warrant. Police then broke down the door 
with an axe and a chainsaw belonging to the land defenders, and arrested 
everyone inside, including Sleydo’. Police also entered Skïy ze’ cabin 
with a chainsaw and arrested everyone there, including Dinï ze’ Woos’ 
daughter, Jocey.

For 56 days, Gidimt’en land defenders (under the direction of Dinï ze’ 
Woos) re-occupied their ancestral Cas Yikh territory, blocking the 
Coastal Gaslink pipeline from drilling beneath Wet’suwet’en headwaters. 
The land reclamation known as Coyote Camp was established to protect the 
sacred Wedzin Kwa. Over the course of November 18th-19th, 32 people were 
arrested, including 3 journalists and 3 Legal Observers. All land 
defenders have now been released from prison, with a February 14th, 2022 
court date.

Take Action:
🔥 Host a solidarity rally or action in your area.

🔥 Issue a solidarity statement from your organization or group. Email 
to: yintahaccess at gmail.com

🔥 Pressure the government, banks, and 

🔥 Donate.<https://facebook.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0103e92dff58215fc5fc7ac79&id=d0241d4467&e=ca231ece03>http://go.rallyup.com/wetsuwetenstrong 

🔥 Come to Camp.yintahaccess.com/ 

🔥 Spread the word.


More information and developing stories:
Website: Yintahaccess.com 
IG: @yintah_access
Twitter: @Gidimten
Facebook: @wetsuwetenstrong
Youtube: Gidimten Access Point
TikTok: GidimtenCheckpoint

*Interview with Sleydo' after she was released from jail:*


*Interview with Wet'suwet'en Elder Auntie Janet*


Aunty Janet is at Wet’suewet’en Camp 44 in Chief Woos territory, she is 
a Matriarch of the Gidimt'en Clan and lives on the Yintah. She was 
removed by police on her territory protecting Wedzin Kwa river from CGL 
pipeline drilling under it. She is pissed!! Watch to the end.



*Photos from photojournalist Amber Bracken who was arrested during the 


*Interview with Ellen Gabriel on the Wet'suwet'en Struggle:*


*Breaking report on the deteriorating economic viability of CGL and and 
LNG Canada:*


*Report on how the BC NDP has quashed party debates on a moratorium vote 
on fracking:*


Below are photos from just a few of the recent ongoing solidarity 
actions that have taken place!

*Gitxsan Hereditary Chiefs post eviction notice to NDP MLA Nathan 
Cullen's office in their territory*

Post from git_luuhl_um_hetxwit 

November 27, 2021 - Gitxsan Hereditary Chiefs evict MLA Nathan Cullen 
from Gitxsan Lax'yip. The NDP has failed to uphold good relations with 
our peoples, and due to the violence inflicted on Wet'suwet'en and 
Gitxsan Wilp members, the NDP is no longer welcome on our territories. 
Someone needs to be accountable for the violent actions inflicted upon 
our peoples and territories by the RCMP and Coastal GasLink. We do not 
believe these are simply renegade police actions following the rulings 
of a mere Provincial Court. We know that the feds and the province are 
guilty of trying to exterminate our way of life.

*Railroad Blockade in Gitxsan Territory that Began Yesterday*

*Highway Shutdown on Vancouver Island*

*Protest at Investors Office in Toronto*

*Rally in Edmondton*

*Rolling Highway Blockade in Haudenosaunee Territory*

*Academic Letter of Support*
Do you work in an academic institution? Sign on to the letter of support 


The Struggle Continues!
Unist'ot'en Solidarity Brigade





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*Our mailing address is:*
Non-profit Indigenous support group
301-4689 52A Street
Delta, BC V4K 2Y7

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