[News] Morally Bankrupt US Criticizes Venezuela’s 21N Elections—Venezuela Responds

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Wed Nov 24 10:43:46 EST 2021

Bankrupt US Criticizes Venezuela’s 21N Elections—Venezuela Responds
José Manuel Blanco Diaz - November 24, 2021

On Monday, November 22, Washington, through the US Department of State,
issued a statement
<https://www.state.gov/venezuelas-flawed-november-21-elections/> about
Venezuela’s election process, making remarks against the transparency and
reliability of the electoral system of the South American nation.

The new attack by Washington, this time against the regional and municipal
elections of November 21, occurred while the international oversight teams
continue to report with their observations on the process.

In the official statement, State Department spokesman Anthony Blinken
accused the government of President Nicolás Maduro of having supposedly
prevented Venezuelans from voting.

“The Maduro regime deprived Venezuelans yet again of their right to
participate in a free and fair electoral process, during Venezuela’s
November 21 regional and local elections,” Blinken said on Monday. “Fearful
of the voice and vote of Venezuelans, the regime grossly skewed the process
to determine the result of this election long before any ballots had been

RELATED CONTENT: Meet Venezuela’s 3 Opposition Governors

However, the voting process was peaceful process, and included the
participation of more than eight million voters, an increase in voter
turnout of almost 10% compared to last year’s parliamentary elections. The
vote took place from 6 a.m. on Sunday until late at night, with no
incidents that interrupted the schedule, and with the participation of some
70,000 candidates, 67,000 of them from opposition parties.

*More conspiracy?*
In addition, the document issued by the Secretary of the Department of
State of the Biden administration, Anthony Blinken, reiterated the White
House’s non-recognition of the elected head of state Nicolás Maduro. It
also dare to reiterate that the US regime continues to “support the efforts
of the democratic Venezuelan opposition and interim President Juan Guaidó. ”

El aplauso rotundo es para el pueblo venezolano que sigue reafirmando su
compromiso con la democracia y con su derecho a vivir en paz, a pesar de la
agresión multiforme y violatoria del Derecho Internacional del gobierno
supremacista de EEUU. Basta ya de violar la Carta de la ONU

— Felix Plasencia (@PlasenciaFelix) November 22, 2021

“We will continue to work with Venezuelan and international partners using
all diplomatic and economic tools available to press for the release of all
those unjustly detained for political reasons, the independence of
political parties, respect for freedom of expression and other universal
human rights, and an end to human rights abuses,” the statement said.

RELATED CONTENT: Venezuela’s CNE Issues 2nd Report: PSUV Sweeps Vast
Majority of Mayoralties

These affirmations received a spirited rejection by the Venezuelan
government. The Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued its own
<https://mppre.gob.ve/comunicado/venezuela-rechaza-eeuu-elecciones-21n/> in
response, categorizing Washington’s accusations as another failed attempt
to discredit the November 21 elections. The Foreign Relations office added
that the action is part of the systematic practice of the White House in
ignoring democratic processes in sovereign countries.

<https://twitter.com/hashtag/Comunicado?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> ||
Venezuela rechaza intento de EEUU de desacreditar elecciones del 21N

— Cancillería Venezuela 🇻🇪 (@CancilleriaVE) November 23, 2021

“It is the height of cynicism that a country in which there is an indirect
democracy, with second-degree elections, and that has declared a brutal
economic war against Venezuela, that subjects the Venezuelan people to a
generalized blockade and that supports a group of criminals who currently
plunder the assets of the nation [abroad], pretend to have the morality to
question the elections, alleging lack of freedoms or other types of
conditions,” read the Venezuelan communiqué.

¿Cuánto tiempo tuvo que esperar el pueblo de los Estados Unidos para saber
los resultados de las últimas elecciones presidenciales? No fue Trump quien
tildó de fraudulento al sistema Norteamericano ? 🤔Poca moral tienen uds
para dar clases de democracia y elecciones al mundo. https://t.co/FE2b2wX8jN

— Alfred Nazareth (@luchaalmada) November 22, 2021

For his part, Venezuelan Minister for Information and Communication Freddy
Ñáñez referred to the “low moral” standing of Washington, which
nevertheless tries to give lessons on electoral processes.

*Featured image: US Secretary of State Blinken looking pensive during a
trade show in Senegal. File photo by Reuters.*

by José Manuel Blanco Díaz, with Orinoco Tribune content

Translation: Orinoco Tribune

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