[News] The international community cannot let the Israeli apartheid regime criminalize human rights work

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Wed Nov 24 10:27:11 EST 2021


  The international community cannot let the Israeli apartheid regime
  criminalize human rights work

November 23, 2021

Editor’s Note: The following statement was released by participants on 
the 2016 U.S. Prison, Labor and Academic Delegation to Palestine. 
/Mondoweiss/ occasionally publishes press releases and statements from 
organizations in an effort to draw attention to overlooked issues.

The U.S. Prison, Labor and Academic Delegation to Palestine (2016) joins 
with organizations and individuals around the world to express our 
strongest solidarity with the six Palestinian human rights organizations 
that were falsely designated “terrorist institutions” by the Israeli 
government on October 19, 2021.  On November 7, 2021 the government 
issued a follow-up order declaring the organizations “illegal,” opening 
the way for their offices to be closed and the possible administrative 
detention of their staff.

These six organizations –Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights 
Association <https://www.addameer.org/>, Al-Haq 
<https://www.alhaq.org/>, the Bisan Centre for Research and Development 
<https://www.bisan.org/>, Defense for Children International – Palestine 
<https://www.dci-palestine.org/>, the Union of Agricultural Work 
Committees <http://uawc-pal.org/index.php?&lang=en>, and the Union 
of Palestinian Women’s Committees <http://upwc.org.ps/?lang=en> – all 
welcomed us to Palestine in 2016.  They enabled us to hear stories 
directly from Palestinians  about the impact of military and settler 
violence, extra-judicial murder, mass imprisonment,  land confiscation, 
house demolitions, persecution of women, restrictions to water access, 
lack of worker rights, and the systems of comprehensive surveillance and 
control that envelop Palestinian lives.

We also learned about the persistent, steadfast work that these 
organizations undertake on a daily basis to defend against constant 
violations of the most basic human rights. It is this courageous work 
that the Israeli government wants to silence by demonizing them as 
terrorist organizations.  We in the international community cannot let 
the Israeli apartheid regime shut down, isolate and criminalize their 
critical human rights work!

Our delegation was the first from the U.S.  to focus specifically on 
political imprisonment and solidarity between Palestinian and U.S. 
prisoners.  Convened by Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi, a professor at San 
Francisco State University, the delegation included former U.S.-held 
political prisoners, Black Panthers,  prison abolitionists, and labor 
activists. We were already very familiar with the ways in which the U.S. 
has criminalized political activists and Black, Brown and Indigenous 
communities in order to repress resistance and dissent.  Our visit to 
Palestine strengthened our understanding of how the U.S. and Israel have 
collaborated over decades to develop colonial carceral systems which 
function in similar ways.

When we witnessed a 16-year-old Palestinian boy being tried in Israeli 
military court as an adult and facing two life sentences, we thought 
about the thousands of Black and Brown youth across the U.S. who are 
tried and convicted as adults and are serving extreme sentences. When we 
heard from mothers, wives and sisters about the arduous challenge of 
visiting their loved ones in prison, traveling for 10-15 hours each way, 
we thought of the countless women in the U.S. who make long, expensive 
trips to their family members on a regular basis. When we saw the daily 
arduous realities of crossing the Apartheid wall and multiple 
checkpoints to get to work, schools and hospitals, we thought of the 
hardship of working families in the U.S. who struggle daily to make ends 
meet. When we heard about olive trees being burned and settlers taking 
over farmers’ lands, we recalled the history of farmworker organizing 
and indigenous peoples struggling to defend their lands in the U.S. We 
understood the crucial importance of the human rights organizations that 
insist on defending Palestinians despite the risks they themselves face.

In a recent L.A. Times op-ed 
two members of Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association 
described some of their recent work. “We visited hunger strikers 
protesting their arbitrary detention in hospital beds in the Ramleh 
prison clinic and submitted appeals to United Nations bodies to 
intervene. We have called on the International Criminal Court to 
investigate Israeli war crimes, and in Israeli military and civil 
courts, we have defended Palestinian parliamentarians, students, 
children, journalists, feminists, human rights defenders, academics and 
thousands of everyday people who are arbitrarily arrested every year. “ 
   Addameer challenged organizations in the U.S. “Imagine if the 
nonprofits providing services to the most vulnerable among you were 
being outlawed and their staff punished.”

Those of us working in community organizations, universities and labor 
unions in the U.S. are not currently being outlawed in the same manner 
as the human rights organizations in Palestine.  Over the past several 
years we have seen escalated campaigns targeting those who act and teach 
in solidarity with Palestine and organize their communities against 
racism and oppression.  Clearly, the threat against Palestinian human 
rights organizations has global implications for those of us who fight 
for abolition and social justice.

We stand with the six criminalized organizations and demand that Israel 
rescind the terrorist designations immediately. We demand that the US 

 1. Affirm that the Biden administration’s commitment to human rights
    has universal applicability;
 2. Issue a public statement that rejects the Israeli government’s false
    accusations levied against Palestinian civil society organizations;
 3. Publicly condemn and rebuke Israel for this authoritarian action,
    and call on Israeli authorities to immediately reverse their
    decision and end all efforts aimed at delegitimizing and
    criminalizing Palestinian human rights defenders;
 4. Support Palestinians seeking the protection and promotion of
    fundamental human rights, justice and accountability, including at
    the International Criminal Court.
 5. Cut all U.S. funding to Israel

*In Joint Struggle,*

  * *Rabab Abdulhadi*, Professor and Director of the Arab and Muslim
    Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies, San Francisco State University*,
  * *Diana Block*, author and activist, California Coalition for Women
    Prisoners*, San Francisco, California
  * *Susan Chen*, counselor, faculty member California Faculty
    Association – San Francisco State University*, California
  * *Dennis Childs*, author and professor, University of California*,
    San Diego
  * *Susie Day*, writer, Monthly Review Press*, New York City, New York
  * *Emory Douglas*, Revolutionary Artist and Minister of Culture, Black
    Panther Party, 1967-1982
  * *Diane Fujino*, author and professor, University of California*,
    Santa Barbara
  * *Alborz Ghandehari,* former member of UAW 2865 BDS Caucus* assistant
    professor, University of Utah*
  * *Anna Henry*, activist and member, California Coalition for Women
    Prisoners*, San Francisco
  * *Rachel Herzing,* Community Advisor to Center for Political Education
  * *Hank Jones*, activist, former US-Held political prisoner and
    member, Black Panther Party, Los Angeles, California
  * *Manuel la Fontaine*, former US-held prisoner and member, All of Us
    or None*, San Francisco, California
  * *Claude Marks*, Former US-held political prisoner, Freedom
    Archives*, San Francisco, California
  * *Nathaniel Moore*, archivist, Freedom Archives*, San Francisco,
  * *Isaac Ontiveros*, activist, Oakland, California
  * *Michael Ritter*, counselor faculty (retired) ; (former) CSU
    academic senator, and CFA Board, San Francisco State University,*
  * *Jaime Veve*, Transport Workers Union, local 100NYC(retired).
  * *Laura Whitehorn*, Former US-held political prisoner, New York City,
    New York
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